[Editor: This postcard, sent with some Christmas greetings, is dated 20 December 1910.]
[Front of postcard]
ADVANCE be your Watchword, with FREEDOM and WEALTH,
Joy, Happiness, Peace, and the Best of Good Health,
A Bright, Happy LIFE-TIME whate’er may bechance,
These Heartiest Wishes, I send in ADVANCE.
[Description: A shield with a Southern Cross, with (underneath), a Union Jack flag (with, in its centre, a shield with a Southern Cross), the words “Advance Australia” on a scroll, and a poem.]
[Reverse of postcard]
[Handwritten text, in italics]
To wish you a jolly old Xmas, & every joy in the coming year, Clo!
Love from Kath.
My love to Rita.
Albion St.
[Addressed to:]
Miss Clo Donnelly.
Lake George.
Southern Line.
[Manufacturer’s information:]
B. B. London Series No. A.50. Printed in Germany.
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 89 mm. (width), 140 mm. (height).
The first letter in the name in the line “My love to Rita” in somewhat unclear; however, for want of better information, the name has been transcribed as “Rita”.
whate’er = (vernacular) an archaic contraction of “whatever”
Xmas = an abbreviation of “Christmas”
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