[Editor: This postcard, which incorporates a photo of Coogee Beach (NSW), and which has a Kangaroo and Map stamp, is dated and postmarked 24 December 1913.]
[Front of postcard]
Coogee Beach.
[Description: A photograph of Coogee Beach (NSW), featuring some pedestrians, horse-drawn cabs, and swimmers.]
[Reverse of postcard]
[Handwritten text, in italics]
Dec 24 1913
Dear Daisy
This is just to wish you very happy returns of your birthday.
Sent a parcel, it will be a bit late.
Hope you are all well & prospering.
I am very well & enjoying glorious weather & living with some English people in a nice cool park — overlooking one of the little bays & call[ed] Rushcutters Bay, really part of Sydney Harbour. It is very pretty.
Magnolia trees are all bloom. Can get one at Coogee for 3d by tram. They are all yellow.
We are all well.
Lots of love to self & all.
[Addressed to:]
Mrs H P Woolland
Trey Ford
Highdown Avenue
[Information re the publisher or manufacturer:]
Published by S. H. Gategood, Coogee.
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 136 mm. (width), 83 mm. (height).
[Editor: Changed “call Rushcutte Bay” to “call[ed] Rushcutters Bay” (the square brackets indicate inserted text) (it appears that the writer ran out of room, on the right side of the card, to write “Rushcutters” in full).]
[Editor: For ease of reading, the original text has been separated into paragraphs, and punctuation has been inserted as deemed appropriate.]
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