[Editor: This Certificate of Discharge, for Henry Dayrell Herdson (1898-1978), is dated 4 April 1919, during the First World War (1914-1918).]
Certificate of Discharge, for Henry Dayrell Herdson, 1919
[Front of certificate]
[Handwritten and stamped text, in italics]
Register No. ……….
Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force
Civilian suit and cap issued 26.3.19 [initialed]
Certificate of Discharge of No. ….. 3069. ….. (Rank) ….. Corporal.
(Name) ….. HERDSON Henry Dayrell.
(Regiment or Corps) ….. 33rd Batt’n.
born at or near the Town of ….. Sydney.
….. in the State or Country of ….. New South Wales.
Attested at ….. Sydney. NSW.….. on the
….. 16th August ….. 19 16. for the ….. Australian Imperial
Expeditionary Forces ….. Regiment or Corps at the age of ….. 22. 2/12 ….. years
He is discharged in consequence of ….. Termination of his period of enlistment.
Service towards completion of engagement } ….. Two ….. years ….. 232 ….. days.
Service Abroad ….. Two ….. years ….. -41 ….. days.
Medals and Decorations } ……….
Signature of Officer Commanding Regiment or Corps. } ….. [signed] Capt., S.O.I. & R.S., 2nd M.D.
Returned Soldiers’ Badge Issued ….. 89920.
Place ….. Sydney, N.S.W.
Date 4th April 1919
Discharge confirmed at ….. Sydney, N.S.W.
Signature ….. [signed] ….. Capt., for Dist. Com., 2nd M.D.
Date 4th April 1919
NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS. — This certificate has been issued without any interdelineation or erasure of any kind, and with all particulars entered in writing, and not typewritten.
All signatures have been written, and rubber stamp signatures are not genuine.
W 21281.
[Reverse of certificate]
Certificate of Discharge of the above-named soldier on discharge:—
Age ….. 24 10/12. ….. Height ….. 5 ft. 9 in.
Complexion ….. Fair. ….. Eyes ….. Grey.
Hair ….. Dark.
Trade as stated by him on enlistment ….. Farmer.
Marks or scars, whether on face or other parts of body— } ……….
Intended place of Residence ….. Post Office. Newcastle.
….. New South Wales.
Specimen Signature of Soldier ….. [signed]
All blank spaces provided for entry of particulars and not filled in are to be ruled through.
NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS:— In the event of any doubt arising as to the bona fides of the bearer, the above description and signature should be carefully compared with present appearance and handwriting.
Paid in full
21 OCT 1919
For District Paymaster 2nd. M.D.
N.B. — Any person finding this certificate is requested to forward it, in an unstamped envelope, to the Military Commandant, District Head-Quarters ……….
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 204 mm. (width), 234 mm. (height).
See also: Certificate of Discharge, for Henry Dayrell Herdson, 1943 [Second World War military document]
Batt’n = an abbreviation of “battalion”
bona fides = evidence or information used to authenticate one’s qualifications or genuineness; from “bona fide” (Latin), meaning “in good faith”
Capt. = an abbreviation of “Captain”
Dist. Com. = District Command; District Commander
ft. = an abbreviation of “foot” or “feet”; a foot is a unit of length in the British imperial system of measurement (a foot is equal to 30.48 centimetres)
in. = an abbreviation of “inch” or “inches”; an inch is a unit of length in the British imperial system of measurement (an inch is equal to 2.54 centimetres)
interdelineation = (also known as “interlineation”) writing which has been inserted within or between writing from an earlier occasion (such as additions, explanations, or notations added to a pre-existing document or text)
M.D. = Military District
No. = an abbreviation of “Number”
NSW = an abbreviation of New South Wales (a colony in Australia from 1788, then a state in 1901)
N.S.W. = an abbreviation of New South Wales (a colony in Australia from 1788, then a state in 1901)
S.O.I. & R.S. = Staff Officer Invalided and Returned Soldiers
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