[Editor: This postcard (unused), which incorporates a photograph of some passengers aboard a ship, is undated; however, it is believed to have been published in the early 20th Century (possibly in the 1920s).]
[Front of postcard]
[Description: A photograph of some passengers aboard a ship.]
[Reverse of postcard]
Post card
Correspondence Address only
[Manufacturer’s information:]
Fielding Studio 94 High St., Fremantle W.A.
Kodak Austral
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 140 mm. (width), 88 mm. (height).
This postcard includes a dividing line, which indicates designated areas for correspondence (on the left) and the address of the recipient (on the right), in line with the Australian postage regulations introduced in 1905.
The clothing of the people in the photograph indicate that it may have been taken in the 1920s.
W.A. = an abbreviation of Western Australia (a colony in Australia from 1829, then a state in 1901; previously known as the Swan River Colony)
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