[Editor: This Miner’s Right was issued to Daniel Williams, in Western Australia, on 28 September 1908.]
[Front of Miner’s Right]
[Handwritten and stamped text has been rendered in italics.]
Western Australia.
Miner’s Right.
J.W.S.. Fee — Five Shillings.
Issued to Daniel Williams
under the provisions of “The Mining Act, 1904”; to be in force until
the 27th day of September, 1907.
Place of issue Cue
Date of issue 28 – 9 – 08
MA Lang, Warden
(or Officer authorised to issue).
[Not Transferable.]
[Reverse of Miner’s Right]
Attention is called to the following provisions contained in Sections 10 and 11 of the Land Act, 1899:—
Notwithstanding anything contained in any of the Acts relating to mining for gold or other minerals, a Miner’s Right or Mining License shall not entitle the holder thereof to cut, or remove, or strip any bark from any timber defined in any timber lease, on the land comprised within any such lease, beyond the limits of his holding.
No claim shall be acquired of any land within fifty feet of the surface, which is occupied as a sawmilling station site, not exceeding an area of one hundred and sixty acres, the length not to exceed three times the breadth, or upon which a railway or tramway, or any other improvements or buildings have been constructed by the lessee of the timber lease, or within one chain of any such railway, tramway, or other improvement, or within five chains of any building.
Any person who shall unlawfully fell, cut, saw, split, or bark any timber growing or felled upon any land comprised within the area of any timber lease shall, on conviction, pay a fine not exceeding Ten pounds; and all such fines may be recovered before a Resident Magistrate or any two Justices of the Peace in Petty Sessions.
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 206 mm. (width), 112 mm. (height).
The front of the Miner’s Right has a coat of arms near the top, with a lion on the left and a unicorn on the right.
Some text has been crossed out, after the name of the holder of the Miner’s Right.
chain = a unit of measurement, being a distance of 66 feet (20 metres)
pound = a unit of British-style currency used in Australia, until it was replaced by the dollar in 1966 when decimal currency was introduced in Australia
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