[Editor: This photograph, of an Australian Aboriginal man on a horse (possibly a stockman), is undated; however, it is believed to have been taken in the 1880s.]
[Description: Photograph of an Australian Aboriginal man on a horse (possibly a stockman on a rural property).]
[Reverse of photo]
[The only writing on the reverse side of the photograph is a handwritten number, “90” (in grey pencil); otherwise the reverse side is blank.]
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 125 mm. (width), 95 mm. (height).
The photo, printed on very thin paper, is an albumen photograph, believed to have been taken in the late 19th century, possibly in the 1880s.
albumen = (albumen print) an early type of photographic process, which used the albumen from egg whites
See: 1) “Albumen process: 1850s–1900”, The Historic New Orleans Collection
2) James M. Reilly, “The history, technique and structure of albumen prints” (AIC Preprints, May 1980, pp. 93-98), Conservation OnLine
3) “Albumen print”, National Portrait Gallery (London, UK)
4) “Art Term: Albumen print”, Tate (UK)
5) “Albumen print”, Wikipedia
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