[Editor: This postcard (unused), which incorporates a photograph of the Mariposa sailing underneath the Sydney Harbour Bridge, is undated; however, it is believed to have been published circa 1932-1947.]
[Front of postcard]
A.M.S. Mariposa and Sydney Harbour Bridge.
No. 27.
[Description: A photograph of the Mariposa sailing underneath the Sydney Harbour Bridge]
[Reverse of postcard]
Printed in Gt. Britain
[Manufacturer’s information:]
Published by the Valentine Publishing Co., Sydney and Melbourne.
— This is a real photograph —
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 136 mm. (width), 86 mm. (height).
The estimated date range of this postcard as 1932-1947 is based upon the following: The maiden voyage of the Mariposa began on 16 January 1932; the ship was mothballed in 1947; it was bought in 1953 and renamed the Homeric. The Sydney Harbour Bridge was officially opened on 19 March 1932.
See: 1) “SS Mariposa (1931)”, Wikipedia
2) “Sydney Harbour Bridge”, Wikipedia
For other photographs of the Mariposa in Australia, see also:
1) “Glass plate negative entitled “A.M.S. Mariposa”, depicting the luxury Matson passenger liner on Sydney Harbour, 1932”, Powerhouse Collection (Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, NSW)
2) “SS Strathnaver with the AMS Mariposa in Sydney Harbour, New South Wales, 26 February 1932 [picture]”, Trove (National Library of Australia)
Co. = an abbreviation of “Company”
Gt. Britain = (abbreviation) Great Britain
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