[Editor: This postcard (unused), which incorporates a photo of a group of Australian soldiers, or soldier-cadets, is believed to be from the era of the First World War (1914-1918). The postcard is undated.]
[Front of postcard]
[Description: A photo of a group of Australian soldiers, or soldier-cadets.]
[Reverse of postcard]
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 138 mm. (width), 87 mm. (height).
The reverse side of the postcard has been stamped “A. Rushton Howard”, which may be the name of a collector, owner, or seller in whose possession the postcard was at some stage.
Dear Ed.
To my eyes, this looks like a photo of young boys.
If I am correct in that, then I would wonder if this might possibly be a group of boys in an early form of Army CADET unit, rather than serving soldiers?
This hyperlink is to a Wikipedia article on the history of Army Cadets in Australia:
There, I was surprised to read that 1910 legislation made enrolment in Cadets compulsory for all Australian boys of Cadet age!
Hi Raymond,
That’s a good call, they do appear to be a bit on the young side, so they may well be cadets.
Have changed the wording to “Australian soldiers, or soldier-cadets”, which should cover both possibilities.