[Editor: This list contains various works by A. G. Stephens; for biographical information click here.]
Books by A.G. Stephens:
1893: Why North Queensland Wants Separation, Townsville: North Queensland Separation League
1893: The Griffilwraith: Being an Independent Criticism of the Methods and Manoeuvres of the Queensland Coalition Government, 1890-93, Brisbane: A. J. Ross
1894: A Queenslander’s Travel-Notes, Sydney: Edwards, Dunlop
1897: The Suffield Case: The Evidence at the Police Court and at the Trial, With a Plan of the Scene of the alleged Outrage and a Commentary on the Methods and Manoeuvres of Botany Bay Justice, Sydney: Bulletin Newspaper Co.
1901: The Bulletin Reciter, Sydney: Bulletin Newspaper Company (editor)
1901: The Bulletin Story Book: A Selection of Stories and Literary Sketches from ‘The Bulletin’ [1881-1901], Sydney: Bulletin Newspaper Company (editor)
1902: A Tribute to V. J. Daley, Sydney: William Brooks
1902?: Oblation, [Sydney?]: A.G. Stephens and N. Lindsay (poetry; illustrated by Norman Lindsay)
1904: The Red Pagan, Sydney: Bulletin Newspaper Company
1904: A Southern Garland, Sydney: Bulletin Newspaper Company (editor)
1905: Victor Daley: A Biographical and Critical Notice, Sydney: Bulletin Newspaper Company
1909: The Lady Calphurnia Royal, London: Mills & Boon (with Albert Dorrington) [published in 1910 as Our Lady of Darkness, New York: The Macaulay Co.]
1911: The Pearl and the Octopus and other Exercises in Prose & Verse, Melbourne: George Robertson (poetry and prose)
1913: The J. C. Williamson Memorial: With Valedictory Notices from Partners or Associates, Portraits, and Addenda, Sydney: The Bookfellow (editor)
1913: Bill’s Idees, Sydney: N.S.W. Bookstall
1913: J. C. Williamson’s Life-Story Told in His Own Words, Sydney: N.S.W. Bookstall
1916: Anzac Memorial, Sydney: Returned Soldiers Association (editor)
1917: The Wild Colonial Girl, Sydney: Bookfellow (poetry)
1921: Interviews, Sydney: Bookfellow
1921: Bookfellowship, Sydney: The Bookfellow
1923: Woodcuts, Sydney: Tyrrells’ Limited
1924: Capturing the Bushranger, Sydney: Websdale, Shoosmith (childrens’ book)
1924: Along the Castleroughby, Sydney: Websdale, Shoosmith
1924: The Australian Flower Masque, Sydney: Websdale, Shoosmith (childrens’ book; at head of title: “Australian school plays”)
1925: Materials for an Austrazealand Slang Dictionary, Sydney
1928: Henry Kendal: A Critical Review for the Use of Schools, Sydney: Bookfellow in Australia
1930s: Shamrock & Waratah: A Tribute to Victor J. Daley, Sydney: Brooks (co-editor)
1931: Library of Parliament, N.S.W., Sydney: Harold Murray, Print.
1931: In Praise of Aussie Girls, Sydney: G. Stephens? (poetry)
1933: Chris: Brennan, Sydney: The Bookfellow
1941: A. G. Stephens: His Life and Work, Melbourne: Robertson and Mullens (selected writings of A.G. Stephens, edited by Vance Palmer)
Selected works by A.G. Stephens:
The Honeymoon Train [1901]
A poem by A.G. Stephens, published in The Bulletin Reciter (which was edited by A.G. Stephens).
W. T. Goodge [11 December 1909]
An article about W. T. Goodge, who died on 28 November 1909.
Preface [1919]
The preface by A. G. Stephens to Heart of Spring (1919), a book of poetry by John Shaw Neilson.
The strange mystery of Mr. Henry P. McRobinson [21 December 1922]
A short story published in The Worker.
The grief and glory of Gallipoli: Anzac poetry [27 April 1929]
A review of poetry regarding the Anzacs, with particular mention of Anzac Memorial (which was edited by A.G. Stephens).
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