This list contains various works of poetry by Henry Lawson (1867-1922).
See also:
Books by Henry Lawson.
Prose works (short stories, etc.) by Henry Lawson.
Biographical information on Henry Lawson.
Poetry by Henry Lawson:
[The initials after each listing refer to the publication that the work was published in; see the list of books by Henry Lawson for links to the relevant publications.]
After All [IDW 1896]
Andy’s Gone with Cattle [IDW 1896]
Antony Villa [VPH 1900]
At the Tug-Of-War [VPH 1900]
Australian Bards and Bush Reviewers [IDW 1896]
The Ballad of Mabel Clare [VPH 1900]
The Ballad of the Drover [IDW 1896]
The Ballad of the Rouseabout [VPH 1900]
The Battling Days [VPH 1900]
Ben Duggan [IDW 1896]
Bill and Jim Fall Out [VPH 1900]
Billy’s ‘Square Affair’ [VPH 1900]
The Blue Mountains [IDW 1896]
The Boss over the Board [VPH 1900]
The Boss’s Boots [VPH 1900]
The Bursting of the Boom [VPH 1900]
But What’s the Use [VPH 1900]
The Cambaroora Star [IDW 1896]
Cameron’s Heart [IDW 1896]
The Captain of the Push [VPH 1900]
The Cattle-Dog’s Death [VPH 1900]
Cherry-Tree Inn [IDW 1896]
The Christ of the ‘Never’ [VPH 1900]
The City Bushman [IDW 1896]
Constable M‘Carthy’s Investigations [VPH 1900]
Corny Bill [IDW 1896]
Dan, The Wreck [IDW 1896]
The Days When We Went Swimming [VPH 1900]
A Derry on a Cove [SSPV 1894, VPH 1900]
The Dons of Spain [VPH 1900]
The Drover’s Sweetheart [IDW 1896]
Eurunderee [IDW 1896]
Faces in the Street [IDW 1896]
The Fire at Ross’s Farm [SSPV 1894, IDW 1896]
‘For’ard’ [IDW 1896]
Foreign Lands [VPH 1900]
Freedom on the Wallaby [16 May 1891]
The Free-Selector’s Daughter [IDW 1896]
The Ghost [IDW 1896]
The Glass on the Bar [IDW 1896]
The God-Forgotten Election [VPH 1900]
The Great Grey Plain [IDW 1896]
The Green-Hand Rouseabout [VPH 1900]
The Grog-an’-Grumble Steeplechase [VPH 1900]
Here’s Luck! [VPH 1900]
How the Land Was Won [VPH 1900]
In the Days When the World Was Wide [IDW 1896]
Jack Dunn of Nevertire [IDW 1896]
Johnson, Alias Crow [SSPV 1894]
The Jolly Dead March [VPH 1900]
Knocked Up [IDW 1896]
The Legend of Cooee Gully [SSPV 1894]
The Lights of Cobb and Co. [VPH 1900]
A Little Mistake [VPH 1900]
The Man from Waterloo [VPH 1900]
Marshall’s Mate [IDW 1896]
Mary Called Him ‘Mister’ [VPH 1900]
Mary Lemaine [VPH 1900]
May Day in Europe [7 May 1892]
A May Night on the Mountains [VPH 1900]
The Men We Might Have Been [VPH 1900]
The Men Who Come Behind [VPH 1900]
Middleton’s Rouseabout [IDW 1896]
Mount Bukaroo [IDW 1896]
My Literary Friend [VPH 1900]
The New Chum Jackaroo [VPH 1900]
O’Hara, J.P. [VPH 1900]
The Old Bark School [VPH 1900]
The Old Jimmy Woodser [VPH 1900]
Old Stone Chimney [VPH 1900]
Out Back [IDW 1896]
The Outside Track [VPH 1900]
The Paroo [VPH 1900]
Past Carin’ [IDW 1896]
Peter Anderson and Co. [IDW 1896]
The Poets of the Tomb [IDW 1896]
The Ports of the Open Sea [VPH 1900]
The Professional Wanderer [VPH 1900]
A Prouder Man than You [IDW 1896]
Rain in the Mountains [VPH 1900]
Reedy River [VPH 1900]
Rejected [VPH 1900]
Rise Ye! Rise Ye! [VPH 1900]
The Roaring Days [IDW 1896]
The Rovers [VPH 1900]
Saint Peter [VPH 1900]
Second Class Wait Here [VPH 1900]
‘Sez You’ [IDW 1896]
The Shakedown on the Floor [VPH 1900]
The Shame of Going Back [IDW 1896]
The Shanty on the Rise [IDW 1896]
The Ships That Won’t Go Down [VPH 1900]
Since Then [IDW 1896]
The Sliprails and the Spur [IDW 1896]
The Song and the Sigh [IDW 1896]
The Song of Old Joe Swallow [IDW 1896]
The Song of the Darling River [VPH 1900]
Song of the Old Bullock-Driver [VPH 1900]
The Star of Australasia [IDW 1896]
The Stranger’s Friend [VPH 1900]
A Study in the “Nood” [VPH 1900]
Sweeney [IDW 1896]
Taking His Chance [IDW 1896]
Sydney-Side [VPH 1900]
The Teams [IDW 1896]
The Three Kings [VPH 1900]
To an Old Mate [IDW 1896]
Too Old to Rat [3 April 1913]
Trooper Campbell [IDW 1896]
Trouble on the Selection [SSPV 1894, VPH 1900]
The Uncultured Rhymer to His Cultured Critics [VPH 1900]
Up the Country [IDW 1896]
The Vagabond [IDW 1896]
The Way of the World [VPH 1900]
When the ‘Army’ Prays for Watty [IDW 1896]
When the Children Come Home [SSPV 1894, IDW 1896]
When the Ladies Come to the Shearing Shed [VPH 1900]
A Word to Texas Jack [VPH 1900]
The Wreck of the ‘Derry Castle’ [IDW 1896]
The Writer’s Dream [VPH 1900]
Written Afterwards [VPH 1900]
Years After the War in Australia [VPH 1900]
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