[Editor: This book of poetry by John Shaw Neilson (given here as “Shaw Neilson”) was published in 1919.]
Heart of Spring
Shaw Neilson
All the World’s a Lolly-Shop
As Far as My Heart Can Go
At the End of Spring
Break of Day
Bush Scene
Child of Tears
Dear Little Cottage
For a Child
From a Coffin
Green Singer
Heart of Spring
Her Eyes
Inland Born
In the Street
It is the Last
Julie Callaway
Little Dead Milliner
Little White Girl
Love’s Coming
Lowan’s Nest
Maggie Tulliver
Meeting of Sighs
O, Lady of the Dazzling Flowers
Old Granny Sullivan
Old Nell Dickerson
Old Violin
Pale Neighbour
Petticoat Green
Roses Three
Sheedy was Dying
Song Be Delicate
Surely God was a Lover
The Child We Lost
“The Day is Thine”
The Dream is Deep
The Eyes of Little Charlotte
The Girl with the Black Hair
The Heart Longs
The Hour is Lost
The Hour of the Parting
The Land Where I was Born
The Lover Sings
The Loving Tree
The Luckless Bard to the Flying Blossom
The Petticoat Plays
The Sacrifice
The Scent o’ the Lover
The Song and the Bird
The Sun is Up
The Wedding in September
The White Flowers Came
To a Blue Flower
’Twas in the Early Summer Time
Under a Kurrajong
You and Yellow Air
Published by
The Bookfellow in Sydney
(Copyright 1919.)
Wholly set up and printed in Australia by William Brooks & Co., Ltd, 17 Castlereagh St., Sydney
Shaw Neilson, Heart of Spring, Sydney: The Bookfellow, 1919
Editor’s notes:
The Preface was not included in the original list of contents, but has been included here so as to enable convenient access.
All of the poetry in Heart of Spring was included in Collected Poems of John Shaw Neilson (1934), except for four poems:
1) “The Day is Thine”
2) The Heart Longs
3) Little Dead Milliner
4) O, Lady of the Dazzling Flowers
“Bush Scene” was included in Collected Poems of John Shaw Neilson, but under the title of “Along a River”.
“Lowan’s Nest” was included in Collected Poems of John Shaw Neilson, but under the title of “At a Lowan’s Nest”.
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