[Editor: This sketch by Cecil Hartt (1884-1930), regarding Australianism, was published in Aussie: The Cheerful Monthly (Sydney, NSW), 15 April 1920.]
The Lesson.
1 Soulful of Australian Patriotism
+ 1 Heartful of Australian Pride
+ 1 Spiritful of Australian Cheerfulness
+ 1 Visionful of Australian Outlook
+ 1 Headful of Australian Thought
+ 1 Bodyful of Australian Vigour
+ 1 Homeful of Australian Goods
= 100% Australian
Drawn by Cecil L. Hartt.
The Lesson.
Aussie: The Cheerful Monthly (Sydney, NSW), 15 April 1920, p. 13
Editor’s notes:
This sketch was printed opposite the article “Between cobbers” (p. 12), which was about the idea of Australianism.
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