[Editor: This list contains various works by Barcroft Henry Boake (1866-1892); for biographical information click here.] Books by Barcroft Boake: 1897: Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems, Sydney (NSW): Angus and Robertson (1st edition) 1913: Where the Dead Men Lie and … [Read more...] about Works of Barcroft Boake
Barcroft Henry Boake (1866-1892) (subject)
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 15): Some final words
[Editor: This is section 15 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Some final words] Boake’s suicide was an appeal to Death to end his hopelessness as Life had ended hope. For him, of course, the … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 15): Some final words
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 14): The last days of Barcroft Boake
[Editor: This is section 14 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [The last days of Barcroft Boake] In December, 1891, Boake’s engagement with Mr. Lipscomb ended, and he came to stay with his father … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 14): The last days of Barcroft Boake
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 13): Poetry and star-gazing
[Editor: This is section 13 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Poetry and star-gazing] Boake wrote some unremarkable verses ‘In Memoriam, Arthur Biscay,’ and sent them to The Albury Banner, … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 13): Poetry and star-gazing
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 12): The floods of 1891
[Editor: This is section 12 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [The floods of 1891] On 25th July, 1891, Boake writes to his father from the survey camp at Mundawaddery, recording an incident … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 12): The floods of 1891
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 11): Accepted by The Bulletin
[Editor: This is section 11 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Accepted by The Bulletin] The letters written by Boake at this time show how rapidly he was gathering and associating ideas, how … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 11): Accepted by The Bulletin
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 10): Reminiscences regarding Barcroft Boake
[Editor: This is section 10 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Reminiscences regarding Barcroft Boake] There is now a considerable gap in the series of letters. Shortly after the date of that … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 10): Reminiscences regarding Barcroft Boake
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 9): Letters from Cunnamulla (Banana-land)
[Editor: This is section 9 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Letters from Cunnamulla (Banana-land)] The Yowah cattle were mustered and brought to Burrenbilla to rest for two or three weeks … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 9): Letters from Cunnamulla (Banana-land)
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 8): Writing from Burrenbilla and Yowah
[Editor: This is section 8 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Writing from Burrenbilla and Yowah] About the middle of October, the cattle were delivered at Cobb and Co.’s station, Burrenbilla, … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 8): Writing from Burrenbilla and Yowah
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 7): Letters from Currawilla and Windorah
[Editor: This is section 7 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Letters from Currawilla and Windorah] On 11th August Boake writes to his father from Currawilla, Q., reciting some of his first … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 7): Letters from Currawilla and Windorah
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 6): Writing from Mullah
[Editor: This is section 6 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Writing from Mullah] At the date of the next letter (November, 1888), Boake is busily employed at Mullah. ... For the last three … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 6): Writing from Mullah
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 5): From Adaminaby to Trangie
[Editor: This is section 5 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [From Adaminaby to Trangie] From Adaminaby to Trangie is roughly 300 miles; and Boake, who knew nothing of the country, had to find … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 5): From Adaminaby to Trangie
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 4): Goodbye to Rosedale
[Editor: This is section 4 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Goodbye to Rosedale] Boake had agreed to stay with Mr. Commins for two years; and when, towards the close of 1888, the time expired, … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 4): Goodbye to Rosedale
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 3): Barcroft Boake’s mock hanging
[Editor: This is section 3 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Barcroft Boake’s mock hanging] Nearly a year intervenes; and Boake writes to his father a remarkable letter giving particulars of a … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 3): Barcroft Boake’s mock hanging
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 2): Barcroft Boake writes from Rocklands (Adaminaby, NSW)
[Editor: This is section 2 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Barcroft Boake writes from Rocklands (Adaminaby, NSW)] From this point there are extant occasional letters from Boake to his … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 2): Barcroft Boake writes from Rocklands (Adaminaby, NSW)
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 1): Barcroft Boake’s early years
[Editor: This is section 1 of “Barcroft Boake: A Memoir ”, by A. G. Stephens, published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] [Barcroft Boake’s early years] Most of the material for the following account of Boake’s life has been supplied by his father, Mr. B. … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir (section 1): Barcroft Boake’s early years
Barcroft Boake: A Memoir [by A. G. Stephens]
[Editor: This memoir, written by A. G. Stephens, regarding the poet Barcroft Boake, was published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897). Due to the lengthy nature of the Memoir, it has been split here into several sections, with relevant titles being assigned to each … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake: A Memoir [by A. G. Stephens]
Preface [by A. G. Stephens, Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems]
[Editor: This Preface by A. G. Stephens was published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] Preface When preparing these verses for the press, the first question which met me was this: Should Boake be treated from a literary standpoint or from a personal … [Read more...] about Preface [by A. G. Stephens, Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems]
Barcroft Boake
Barcroft Henry Thomas Boake, known to some as “Bartie”, was a poet and writer. He wrote poetry for The Bulletin and The Sydney Mail, and was on an upwards trajectory in the literary world when he tragically committed suicide at the age of 26. He is especially well-known for his … [Read more...] about Barcroft Boake