[Editor: This Christmas postcard, which incorporates a poem, as well as an illustration of an Australian flag and some kookaburras, is estimated to have been published about 1901-1908. The postcard is undated.]
[Front of postcard]
With all kind thoughts for Christmas
Kindly smiles from those around you,
Words of love from friends who roam,
Present joys and sunny prospects,
Gather round your hearth and home.
[Handwritten text, above the four kookaburras, in italics]
Mac. Carl Eric Frank
[Description: Drawings of some bush flowers, an Australian flag, and four kookaburras.]
[Reverse of postcard]
O & Co.
Printed in Australia
[Handwritten text, in italics]
To Dear Mac
Wishing you as bright a Christmas as it is possible for you to enjoy
love from
Dick xx
What do you think of the old Wallaby flag..
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 92 mm. (width), 141 mm. (height).
The artwork on this postcard was apparently drawn by the same artist who did the illustrations for the following postcards:
1) My dear friend [patriotic postcard, circa 1901-1908]
2) To my dear boy — a fond Christmas greeting [patriotic postcard, circa 1901-1908]
It is estimated that this postcard was published about 1901-1908; this estimation is based upon the fact that the Australian flag depicted on the postcard incorporates the Federation Star with six points, which was used from 1901 to 1908. In 1909 the flag’s Federation Star received a seventh point, to represent Australia’s territories.
See: 1) “A brief history of Australian flags”, Ausflag
2) “Australian National Flag”, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
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