[Editor: An extract from the newsletter of the Cosme colony (of Australian socialists) in Paraguay. Published in Cosme Monthly, June 1895. The “Correspondence” section of the June 1895 issue outlines the foundation principles of the Cosme settlement.]
Any persons who wish to correspond direct with Cosme Colony can do so by addressing:—
Colonia Cosme, via Caazapa, Paraguay, and enclosing stamps for reply. To save needless enquiries, everybody should understand that
1) A common-hold not a commonwealth;
2) For English-speaking Whites
— who accept —
3) The Life-Marriage
4) The Colour-Line.
5) and Teetotalism amongst their principles and who realise in their hearts that
Cosme Monthly (Cosme, Paraguay), June 1895, page 4
Editor’s notes:
common-hold = the idea held in the “Cosme” settlement (of Australian socialists) in Paraguay that each member or family of the community should be able to withdraw their proportion of the settlement’s capital if they decided to leave the settlement
teetotalism = the practice of being a teetotaller (also spelt “teetotaler”), i.e. someone who does not drink alcoholic beverages
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