[Editor: This brief item (apparently, an extract from the Independent Workers’ Journal) was published in the Building and Real Estate magazine (11 May 1912).]
Australianism is the spirit that must rule Australia, and in that sentiment there is no place for the rabid Socialist, with his schemes of levelling tyranny; none for the Anarchist with his incendiary torch and assassin’s weapon; nor for the unjust demands of the clique of organised Socialistic union leaders, who, for their own selfish purposes, and under the pretence of securing the rights of labor, are attempting to frustrate enterprise and clog the wheels of progress.
— “Independent Workers’ Journal.”
Building and Real Estate: The Magazine for the Architect, Builder, Property Owner, and the Man Who Thinks, vol. 5 no. 57, 11 May 1912, p. 82
Editor’s notes:
The title of the magazine is given on its front cover as “Building and Real Estate: The Magazine for the Architect, Builder, Property Owner, and the Man Who Thinks”; however, its contents page is headed “Building: Magazine of Interest for the Architect, Builder, Property Owner, and “The Man Who Thinks.””
At this stage, no periodical entitled Independent Workers’ Journal has been able to be located; there is a possibility that the reference was meant to be to a (non-specified) independent workers’ journal.
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