[Editor: An election advertisement regarding the candidature of William Nairn. Published in the Launceston Examiner (Launceston, Tas.), 16 October 1856.]
To the Electors of the Electoral District of Meander.
Hobart Town, Tuesday. Oct. 14th 1856.
Gentlemen, — I have just received the information, that you have been pleased to elect me to represent your district, in the Legislative Council. Having been absent from the election, owing to unavoidable circumstances, I deem it right to lose no time, in thus formally conveying to you the expression of my warmest thanks for the honor you have conferred upon me.
Having already had occasion publicly to express my opinion upon some of the leading topics, at present under discussion in the colony, I do not consider it necessary now to enter upon any further exposition of my political sentiments, especially as from the near approach of the first Parliamentary Session, it will soon be determined how far each Representative may be regarded as the true and faithful exponent of the views and wishes of his constituents.
I desire however to assure you that I shall at all times be glad to receive and attentively consider any suggestion which any individual elector may think it right to bring under my notice, upon matters, of either local or general interest, and that my earnest hope now is that I may so discharge my duty as your Representative, as not to furnish any grounds for your believing hereafter, that the confidence you have been pleased to repose in me has in any degree been misplaced.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful servant,
Launceston Examiner; Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (Launceston, Tas.), 16 October 1856, p. 3 (afternoon edition)
Also published in:
The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas.), 18 October 1856, p. 7
Launceston Examiner; Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (Launceston, Tas.), 18 October 1856, p. 1 (afternoon edition)
The Peoples’ Advocate; or, True Friend of Tasmania (Launceston, Tas.), 20 October 1856, p. 1
Editor’s notes:
W. Nairn = William Edward Nairn (1812-1869), public servant and politician; born in Widcombe (Somerset, England) in 1812, he migrated to Hobart in 1837, was appointed to a variety of positions in the public service, and became a Member (and President) of the Tasmanian Legislative Council in 1856 (elected unopposed); he died in Hobart in 1869
[Editor: The original text has been separated into paragraphs.]
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