[Editor: An acrostic poem, which vertically spells out “Van Diemen’s Land”. Published in the Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser, 20 October 1826.]
The Violet, an Acrostic.
V eiled in obscurity the violet (sweet
A nd modest flower) shuns meridian heat
N ear to the earth it hides its lovely head,
D rooping while round its sweetest odours shed.
I n humble garb of unassuming blue,
E mblem of constancy, cerulean hue;
M odestly clad, with simple grace attired,
E ver respected, and by all admired.
N or is she less admired who oft unseen,
S imply retiring from the busy scene,
L eaves the gay throng of pleasure for the shade,
A nd is in modesty’s sweet garb arrayed.
N o rankling cares disturb her peaceful breast,
D evoid of guilt, she sweetly sinks to rest.
Colonial Times, and Tasmanian Advertiser (Hobart, Tas.), 20 October 1826, p. 4
Editor’s notes:
acrostic = a series of lines (especially a poem) in which particular letters spells out a word, words, or phrase when read in order (it is usual for acrostics to be based upon the first letter of each line; however, they may be based upon first letters, middle letters, last letters, or a combination thereof)
cerulean = a deep blue colour; blue the colour of a clear blue sky
meridian = noon, midday, or relating thereto (may also refer to: a high point, of development, prosperity, success, etc.; a meridian line on a map, drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole)
Van Diemen’s Land = the island, now known as Tasmania, originally named Anthoonij van Diemenslandt, by Abel Tasman, in honour of Anthony van Diemen, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies
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