[Editor: This book by C. J. Dennis was published in 1935. The contents of the book are divided into four sections, one for each season; included in each section is a sub-section of poetry entitled “Songs of Bush Birds”.]
Singing Garden
C. J. Dennis
Dawn (Verse)
The Way of the Vandal
Forest Sanctuary (Verse)
Green Walls (Verse)
Morning Glory (Verse)
Blandishing the Birds
Songs of Bush Birds
The Wedge-tailed Eagle
The Coachwhip Bird
The Welcome Swallow
The Wattle Bird
The Eastern Shrike-Tit
The Spinebill Honeyeater
The Flame-Breasted Robin
The Firetail Finches
The Pallid Cuckoo
The English Blackbird
The Bronze Cuckoo
The King Parrot
The Tawny Frogmouth
Summer (Verse)
This Lonely Forest
North Wind (Verse)
Heat Wave (Verse)
Songs of Bush Birds
The Grey Thrush
The Rufous Fantail
The Scrub Wren
The Kookaburra
The English Goldfinch
The Grey Goshawk
The Grey Fantail
The Little Black Cormorant
The Golden Whistler
The Treecreeper
The Gang Gang
The Singing Honey-eater
The Boobook Owl
The Lyretail
The Black and White Fantail
The Dusky Wood-Swallow
Autumn (Verse)
The Kookaburra Murder Case
Indian Summer (Verse)
First Frost (Verse)
The Case of Long John Silver
Songs of Bush Birds
The Magpie Lark
The Silver-eye
The Crimson Parrot
The White Cockatoo
The Butcher Bird
The Blue Kingfisher
The Ground Thrush
The Sparrow
The Indian Myna
The Yellow-tailed Thornbill
The Wonga Pigeon
Winter (Verse)
Birdland on the Dole
The Tree (Verse)
The Besting of Bombastes
Songs of Bush Birds
The Blue Wren
The Currawong
The Black Cockatoo
The Satin Bower Bird
The Bronzewing Pigeon
The Crow (Australian Raven)
The Yellow Robin
The Pink-breasted Robin
The Magpie
Promise of Spring (Verse)
The Quiet Hour
Dusk (Verse)
And small fowles maken melodie,
That slepen al the night with open ye.
Geoffry Chaucer.
Angus & Robertson Limited
89 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Set up, printed and bound in Australia by Halstead Printing Company Ltd., Nickson Street, Sydney 1935
Registered at the General Post Office, Sydney, for transmission through the post as a book
Obtainable in London from the Australian Book Company, 37 Great Russell Street, W. C. 1.
To Hugh and Lysbeth
The author desires to acknowledge the previous publication in the Herald, Melbourne, of all the verses here printed, also of all the prose matter, with the exception of “The Way of the Vandal,” “Recuperation” and “The Quiet Hour,” which are now published for the first time.
In identifying many of the bush birds here mentioned, the author has received much assistance from the late Dr J. A. Leach’s An Australian Bird Book, from Mr Neville W. Cayley’s admirably illustrated What Bird Is That?, and from Mr Alec H. Chisholm’s Mateship with the Birds.
Halstead Printing Company Limited,
Nickson Street, Sydney
C. J. Dennis, The Singing Garden, Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1935
Editor’s notes:
The poem listed in the contents as “The Singing Honey-eater”, is entitled “The Singing Honeyeater” (i.e. without a hyphen) on page 93 of the book.
Regarding hyphenated titles of poems in the list of contents: Capitalization has been used for any word following a hyphen only if such capitalization was used with in the poem’s title in the book; hence, some are capitalized here, whilst others are not.
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Is it possible to buy a copy of The Singing Garden by C.J.Dennis
Hello, I’m an audiobook narrator from Melbourne. There are a number of C.J. Dennis titles available as audiobooks on Audible.com or iTunes that I have recently been a part of narrating and having published. This particular title is not yet on the list but we can investigate its copyright status, and if it is in the public domain, will make it likewise available.