[Editor: This book of poetry, written by “John O’Brien” (Patrick Hartigan), was published in 1954 (two years after Hartigan passed away). As there are many older words and phrases in his poems, including quite a few of Irish origin, which may be unfamiliar to many readers, a glossary has been provided.]
The Parish of St Mel’s and Other Verses
By John O’Brien
I Come, Dear Lord, Each Morning
The Field of the Cloth of Gold
Published in:
John O’Brien, The Parish of St Mel’s and Other Verses, Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1954
IAC says
These poems by John O’Brien appear for the first time on the internet:
At Home
The Bush P.P
Cooney’s Daughter
The Day Th’ Inspector Comes
The Durkins
The Field Of The Cloth Of Gold
Firin’ On The Eight
Himself And Myself
I Come, Dear Lord, Each Morning
Imelda May
The Kids In The School
The Kites That We Used To Fly
Little Churches
The Meeting
My Curate, Father Con
The Old Home
Saffron Thistles
Sez She
Sing Me A Song
Sittin’ Be The Wall
Old Sister Paul
The One-Ton Truck
The Parish Of St Mel’s
The Pastor Of St Mel’s
Ten-Twelve Shebang
Twin Cylinders
When The “Sut” Drops Down