[Editor: This letter to the editor was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 1 August 1896. At least two letters were written in reply to this article, the first from “Anglo-Australian”, on 15 August 1896, and the second from Tom Collins (Joseph Furphy), on 22 August … [Read more...] about The Burns Myth [The Bulletin, 1 August 1896]
publication The Bulletin (Sydney)
A whole continent — and £4,000,000 a year to run it with [The Bulletin, 25 June 1908]
[Editor: This article was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 25 June 1908.] A whole continent — and £4,000,000 a year to run it with. Mr. Wade: That left the Commonwealth with surplus revenue in 10 years’ time of something like £4,000,000 to waste or do what they … [Read more...] about A whole continent — and £4,000,000 a year to run it with [The Bulletin, 25 June 1908]
Black Australia [by Tom Collins (Joseph Furphy), 30 October 1902]
[Editor: This letter to the editor from Tom Collins (Joseph Furphy) was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 30 October 1902. It was written in reply to an article, by Archibald Meston, which appeared in The Bulletin on 16 August 1902.] Black Australia. Meston is … [Read more...] about Black Australia [by Tom Collins (Joseph Furphy), 30 October 1902]
Something Aboriginal [by Archibald Meston, 16 August 1902]
[Editor: This article, written by Archibald Meston, was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 16 August 1902. A reply to this article was written by Tom Collins (Joseph Furphy) and published in The Bulletin on 30 October 1902.] Something Aboriginal. [For The … [Read more...] about Something Aboriginal [by Archibald Meston, 16 August 1902]
[In reply to remarks of “Warrigal Jack” on “The Mythical Sundowner”] [by The Big Irishman, 19 October 1889]
[Editor: This untitled letter to the editor was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 19 October 1889. It was written in reply to a letter written by “Warrigal Jack” (Joseph Furphy) which appeared in The Bulletin on 5 October 1889.] [In reply to remarks of “Warrigal Jack” … [Read more...] about [In reply to remarks of “Warrigal Jack” on “The Mythical Sundowner”] [by The Big Irishman, 19 October 1889]
“The Mythical Sundowner” [by Warrigal Jack (Joseph Furphy), 5 October 1889]
[Editor: This letter to the editor from “Warrigal Jack” (Joseph Furphy) was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 5 October 1889. It was written in reply to an article which appeared in The Bulletin on 14 September 1889.] “The Mythical Sundowner.” Dear Bulletin, — I … [Read more...] about “The Mythical Sundowner” [by Warrigal Jack (Joseph Furphy), 5 October 1889]
The Mythical Sundowner [The Bulletin, 14 September 1889]
[Editor: This article was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 14 September 1889. A reply to this article was written by “Warrigal Jack” (Joseph Furphy) and published in The Bulletin on 5 October 1889.] The Mythical Sundowner. (For The Bulletin.) In 1887 a paper on … [Read more...] about The Mythical Sundowner [The Bulletin, 14 September 1889]
“Snell”: “Australia for the Australians!” [The Bulletin, 19 October 1905]
[Editor: This untitled item was published in the “Society” section of The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 19 October 1905.] [“Snell”: “Australia for the Australians!”] “Snell”: “Australia for the Australians” is a fine cry, and has been in circulation a good many years now, and … [Read more...] about “Snell”: “Australia for the Australians!” [The Bulletin, 19 October 1905]
“Australia for the Australians!” [The Bulletin, 2 July 1887]
[Editor: This article, which espouses republicanism and political Australianism, was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 2 July 1887.] “Australia for the Australians!” This is the policy which these southern colonies should persistently strive to realise. Already are … [Read more...] about “Australia for the Australians!” [The Bulletin, 2 July 1887]
[Personal items: Monsignor Hartigan] [28 May 1952]
[Editor: This article, about John O’Brien, is an extract from the “Personal Items” column published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 28 May 1952.] [Personal items: Monsignor Hartigan] The Bulletin called on Monsignor Hartigan (“John O’Brien” of the boree-log) at the Rose … [Read more...] about [Personal items: Monsignor Hartigan] [28 May 1952]
[Personal Items: Father Patrick Joseph Hartigan] [12 November 1947]
[Editor: This article about John O’Brien is an extract from the “Personal Items” column published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 12 November 1947.] [Personal Items: Father Patrick Joseph Hartigan] The announcement that the ecclesiastical handle Monsignor has been tacked … [Read more...] about [Personal Items: Father Patrick Joseph Hartigan] [12 November 1947]
Colonialism in our literature: My thirty years’ war [by P. R. Stephensen, 16 June 1962]
[Editor: This article by P. R. Stephensen was published in the “Forum” section of The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 16 June 1962.] Colonialism in our literature My thirty years’ war By P. R. Stephensen This is an abridgment of a Commonwealth Literary Fund Lecture which Mr … [Read more...] about Colonialism in our literature: My thirty years’ war [by P. R. Stephensen, 16 June 1962]
Respite? [The Bulletin, 20 July 1911]
[Editor: This article, about the British-Japanese military defence alliance, was published in the “Plain English” column in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 20 July 1911.] Respite? The renewal of the alliance between Britain and Japan may mean that Australia has 10 whole years … [Read more...] about Respite? [The Bulletin, 20 July 1911]
“Foreigners in their own country” [The Bulletin, 20 July 1911]
[Editor: This article was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 20 July 1911.] “Foreigners in their own country.” Over three hundred years ago William Camden wrote in the preface to one of his books:— If any there be which are desirous to be strangers on their own … [Read more...] about “Foreigners in their own country” [The Bulletin, 20 July 1911]
Bull, the Ruler [poem by Grant Hervey, 20 July 1911]
[Editor: This poem by Grant Hervey was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 20 July 1911.] Bull, the Ruler. [For The Bulletin.] I forgot this was England, where are only two things — beer and Bible. — Fortnightly Review, April 6, p. 614. His hand upon the … [Read more...] about Bull, the Ruler [poem by Grant Hervey, 20 July 1911]
Australian Universities and the importing mania [The Bulletin, 20 July 1911]
[Editor: This article was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 20 July 1911. The article attacks the practice of Australian institutions filling important positions with people from overseas, instead of appointing Australians.] Australian Universities and the importing … [Read more...] about Australian Universities and the importing mania [The Bulletin, 20 July 1911]
May Day in Europe [poem by Henry Lawson, 7 May 1892]
[Editor: This poem by Henry Lawson, regarding May Day, was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 7 May 1892.] May Day in Europe. Bar the gates of Mammon Castle! See that troops are posted there! I have seen the crimson banner of the children of Despair! Here they … [Read more...] about May Day in Europe [poem by Henry Lawson, 7 May 1892]
Memoranda: To Joe Swallow [poem by John Le Gay Brereton, 8 October 1903]
[Editor: This poem by John Le Gay Brereton was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 8 October 1903. The poem is addressed to “Joe Swallow”, which was one of Henry Lawson’s pseudonyms (Brereton and Lawson were good friends).] Memoranda To Joe Swallow. When your … [Read more...] about Memoranda: To Joe Swallow [poem by John Le Gay Brereton, 8 October 1903]
[A review of “Seven Little Australians” by Ethel Turner] [The Bulletin, 20 October 1894]
[Editor: This untitled review of Seven Little Australians (by Ethel Turner) was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 20 October 1894.] [“A review of “Seven Little Australians” by Ethel Turner] Miss Ethel Turner, the young Sydney writer whose portrait appears in this … [Read more...] about [A review of “Seven Little Australians” by Ethel Turner] [The Bulletin, 20 October 1894]
A Fossicker’s Yarn [poem by Dryblower, 17 March 1894]
[Editor: This poem by “Dryblower” Murphy was published in “The Wild Cat Column” in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 17 March 1894.] A Fossicker’s Yarn. (For The Bulletin.) No, it’s not the price of water nor the scarcity of grub That the fossicker discusses of an evening … [Read more...] about A Fossicker’s Yarn [poem by Dryblower, 17 March 1894]
One Australian Girl [The Bulletin, 1 October 1903, about Mary Gilmore]
[Editor: This article about Mary Gilmore was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 1 October 1903. The first part is a review of Mary Gilmore’s poetry; the second part is about her life, written by Mary Gilmore (aside from the introductory paragraph), especially concentrating … [Read more...] about One Australian Girl [The Bulletin, 1 October 1903, about Mary Gilmore]
P. R. Stephensen [obituary, 5 June 1965]
[Editor: This obituary, regarding P. R. Stephensen, was published in the “National Notebook” section of The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 5 June 1965.] P. R. Stephensen P. R. (“Inky”) Stephensen — who collapsed and died last Friday after a speech at the Savage Club, Sydney — … [Read more...] about P. R. Stephensen [obituary, 5 June 1965]
[Obituary: W. T. Goodge] [The Bulletin, 2 December 1909]
[Editor: This brief obituary for W. T. Goodge was published in the “Personal items” section of The Bulletin, 2 December 1909.] [Obituary: W. T. Goodge] W. T. Goodge, whose name has been at the bottom of fathoms of verse in THE BULLETIN and other papers, died at North … [Read more...] about [Obituary: W. T. Goodge] [The Bulletin, 2 December 1909]
“——!”: The Great Australian Adjective [poem by “The Colonel” (W. T. Goodge), 11 December 1897]
[Editor: This poem by W. T. Goodge was published in The Bulletin (Sydney), 11 December 1897. Its authorship was originally credited to Goodge’s pseudonym of “The Colonel”. The missing word in this poem, one not spoken in polite society at that time, was … [Read more...] about “——!”: The Great Australian Adjective [poem by “The Colonel” (W. T. Goodge), 11 December 1897]
Ah Hong, Chinaman [The Bulletin, 21 August 1886]
[Editor: This untitled article, about a Chinese man being buried with both Anglican and Chinese traditions, is an extract from the “Personal items” column published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 21 August 1886.] [Ah Hong, Chinaman] Ah Hong, Chinaman, recently buried at … [Read more...] about Ah Hong, Chinaman [The Bulletin, 21 August 1886]