[Editor: A short story published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 2, 16 February 1918.] The White “Clinker.” To-morrow, old man! There’s a place where to-morrows don’t exist. There’s no to-morrows there! No to-days, no Mondays, no Tuesdays, no Good … [Read more...] about The White “Clinker” [short story, 16 February 1918]
publication Aussie The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine
Autobiography of a “Chat” [short story, 16 February 1918]
[Editor: A short story about a “chat” (a louse). Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 2, 16 February 1918.] Autobiography of a “Chat.” All day an obsession of oncoming evil has oppressed me. The constant recurrence of fatalities of a revolting … [Read more...] about Autobiography of a “Chat” [short story, 16 February 1918]
The Aftermath [poem, 16 February 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 2, 16 February 1918.] The Aftermath. Seek now thy heart and question which shall be, The deeper Hell of two which offer thee, The Hell of War that honour could not shun, Or that which goes with … [Read more...] about The Aftermath [poem, 16 February 1918]
A Letter [poem, 16 February 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 2, 16 February 1918.] A Letter. Somewhere in France, dear Mother — Somewhere I cannot tell — We are stoushing the Hun who we’re had on the run And making for home like Hell. There are eager, … [Read more...] about A Letter [poem, 16 February 1918]
A Whiff of Wattle [poem, 16 February 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 2, 16 February 1918.] A Whiff of Wattle. The Girl. Tripping down the Mountain Trail With the breeze of Spring, ’Long the pad thro’ Wattle Vale, Where the bell-birds sing. Skipping on to catch … [Read more...] about A Whiff of Wattle [poem, 16 February 1918]
The Hump on the Dump [short story, 16 February 1918]
[Editor: A short story published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 2, 16 February 1918.] The Hump on the Dump. The sizzling sound of snowflakes sliding down the stove pipe reminded one vividly of far away eggs and bacon days. Through the sandbag wall came … [Read more...] about The Hump on the Dump [short story, 16 February 1918]
The Dingbat [poem, 16 February 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 2, 16 February 1918.] The Dingbat. He’s not a bally Batman, he’s a Dingbat now you know, We’ve changed his blessed monicker for keeps. We do not call him Orderly or Servant near the foe — And … [Read more...] about The Dingbat [poem, 16 February 1918]
Aussiosities [16 February 1918]
[Editor: The “Aussiosities” column of anecdotes and humourous items. Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, 16 February 1918. In the 18 January 1918 issue of Aussie (on page 11) readers were asked if they knew of the origin of the word “digger” as applied to … [Read more...] about Aussiosities [16 February 1918]
“Aussie” carries on [editorial, 16 February 1918]
[Editor: An editorial published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 2, 16 February 1918.] “Aussie” carries on. Aussie falls in again, gratified and encouraged. He feels that way because it has been strikingly indicated to him that his advent in the Aussie … [Read more...] about “Aussie” carries on [editorial, 16 February 1918]
To the Peace Cranks [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] To the Peace Cranks. You — who are you who cry for Peace at any price? How many of you fought, are scarred, and realise? Though this be Hell itself, Before we list to you we’d … [Read more...] about To the Peace Cranks [poem, 18 January 1918]
The “Dud” [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] The “Dud.” A Dud lies here, disturb him not But let him rest in peace. He resteth from the weary world, His work at last doth cease. Condemned unto a violent death Far from his … [Read more...] about The “Dud” [poem, 18 January 1918]
Sardines [18 January 1918]
[Editor: Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] Sardines. I had hoarded them for some time in the interests of war economy, when hunger got the better of me. Morning shift created an appetite, and why not sardines? So I handed … [Read more...] about Sardines [18 January 1918]
What Profiteth? [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: A poem, possibly written by C.E.W. Bean (Australian war correspondent and historian). Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] What Profiteth? The last long gun has spoken, The echoes die. The last sad trees stand … [Read more...] about What Profiteth? [poem, 18 January 1918]
Aussie Dictionary [18 January 1918]
[Editor: A humourous glossary of terms used by Australian soldiers during World War One. Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] Aussie Dictionary. (For the use of those at Home) ARCHIE. — A person who aims high and is not … [Read more...] about Aussie Dictionary [18 January 1918]
[There was a Young Hun of Berlin] [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: A limerick published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] [There was a Young Hun of Berlin] There was a young Hun of Berlin Who picked up a bomb with the pin; When he took the pin out he was sent with a clout To the place all … [Read more...] about [There was a Young Hun of Berlin] [poem, 18 January 1918]
Box On [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] Box On. The gong has sounded, you take your stand In the midst of the ring of Life, “Box on” is your first and your last command As you enter the worldly strife. “Box … [Read more...] about Box On [poem, 18 January 1918]
The Interview [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] The Interview. [An imaginary interview between Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig and. Major-General J—— M—— unreliably reported by our correspondent Bill Adams, on … [Read more...] about The Interview [poem, 18 January 1918]
An averted horror [short story, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: A short story published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] An averted horror. When the war began Rupert Robinson (original style Heinrich Schmidt) had been trading in Sydney for about quarter of a century. During all that … [Read more...] about An averted horror [short story, 18 January 1918]
Polygon Ridge [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] Polygon Ridge. I lie on the ridge and the moon is low And I know away to the West Are the tranquil homes we keep from the foe, Though only our dead are blest. Wild thoughts rush … [Read more...] about Polygon Ridge [poem, 18 January 1918]
Where We’ve Dossed [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] Where We’ve Dossed. We’ve dossed in some queer places Since we came to stoush the Hun, In fact we’ve dossed most everywhere — In Egypt we begun Upon the desert sand, … [Read more...] about Where We’ve Dossed [poem, 18 January 1918]
The Song of the Bayonet Instructor [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] The Song of the Bayonet Instructor. Kill ! Kill ! Kill ! At the throat and then at the heart, That’s the way to make the Hun start, So go at it with a will. Kill ! Kill … [Read more...] about The Song of the Bayonet Instructor [poem, 18 January 1918]
Packin’ [poem, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: A poem published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] Packin’ I’ve scratched me ’ead an’ bit me nails an’ kept me brains a’rackin’, Athinkin’ of another game ter beat that one called “packin’.” It sorter gets yer thinkin’ when … [Read more...] about Packin’ [poem, 18 January 1918]
Aussiosities [18 January 1918]
[Editor: The “Aussiosities” column of anecdotes and humourous items. Published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] Aussiosities. It wasn’t the kind of night to make anyone high spirited. The road was wet and slippery and the fog-logged … [Read more...] about Aussiosities [18 January 1918]
Taken on strength: “Aussie” [editorial, 18 January 1918]
[Editor: An editorial published in Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine, no. 1, 18 January 1918.] Taken on strength: “Aussie.” Here’s AUSSIE. He comes on strength of the A.I.F. full of hope and anticipation of a useful and happy sojourn with the great and valiant … [Read more...] about Taken on strength: “Aussie” [editorial, 18 January 1918]
Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine [World War One army publication]
Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine was a magazine created and published on the Western Front, in France, during World War One. The first issue was published on 18 January 1918; the 13th and final issue was dated April 1919. However, after the war ended, the editor, Phillip … [Read more...] about Aussie: The Australian Soldiers’ Magazine [World War One army publication]