[Editor: This article attacks what it sees as the “bigotry” of Australianism. Published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 November 1842.] Australianism The love of country is a passion inherent in the breast of man, whether civilised or savage, whether born in the … [Read more...] about Australianism [14 November 1842]
[Australian candidates for literary fame] [24 June 1824]
[Editor: An early call for a move towards a more culturally independent Australia, advocating that the Australian intelligentsia be educated in Australia rather than go overseas to study. This article is an extract from the news and editorial section of the The Sydney Gazette, 24 … [Read more...] about [Australian candidates for literary fame] [24 June 1824]
Come, Sing Australian Songs to Me! [poem by John O’Brien]
[Editor: This poem by John O’Brien was published in Around the Boree Log and Other Verses, 1921.] Come, Sing Australian Songs to Me! Come, Little One, and sing to me A song our big wide land to bless, Around whose gentle parent-knee We’ve twined the flowers of … [Read more...] about Come, Sing Australian Songs to Me! [poem by John O’Brien]
The Libel [poem by John O’Brien]
[Editor: This poem by John O’Brien was published in Around the Boree Log and Other Verses, 1921.] The Libel “The flowers have no scent, and the birds have no song,” We read in the lesson before us, While carols enchanted came floating along, And lifted our hearts in … [Read more...] about The Libel [poem by John O’Brien]