[Editor: This article, about a planned monument for the grave of Henry Kendall, is an extract from the “Personal items” column published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 21 August 1886.]
[Henry Kendall, the N.S.W. poet]
Henry Kendall, the N.S.W. poet, who in his prime wrote such beautiful things as “The River and the Hill,” “Leichhardt,” and “Araluen,” who in his latter days sent forth, as many another bard has done, some sad rubbish which, in justice to his genius, should be carefully torn up, is at last really to have a monument.
He has been dead more than three or four years, and the trustees have been able to collect enough money, less £30 or so, to put up a slab to the memory of the sweet singer, whose last resting-place has so far been adorned by naught but the orange-peel and sardine-tins left by lovers who came there to picnic and “catch, perchance, some inspiration from his tomb.”
Kendall’s body is to be removed to another spot in Waverley (Sydney) Cemetery, and the monument is to stand over it. Mr. Dalley, no doubt, have a neat and appropriate little oration for the occasion, and as Baron Carington is to be present (surrounded, of course, by a large number of popularity-hunting political bars of soap), the balance required, and more, will, probably, be planked on the stone by the usual set of grovellers.
The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 21 August 1886, p. 22 (column 1)
Editor’s notes:
Baron Carington = Charles Robert Carington (1843-1928), the third Baron Carrington, Governor of New South Wales (1885-1890); born with the surname Carrington, in 1880 he changed it by Royal Licence to Carington (with one “r”), then in 1896 changed it to Wynn-Carington
Dalley = William Bede Dalley (1831-1888), lawyer; Member of the NSW Legislative Assembly (1856-1860, 1862-1864), Solicitor General (1858-1859); Member of the NSW Legislative Council (1870-1873, 1875-1880, 1883-1888), Attorney-General (1875-1877, 1883-1885)
[Editor: The original text has been separated into paragraphs.]
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