[Editor: This poem by Rex Ingamells was published in Venture: An Australian Literary Quarterly (Adelaide, SA), July 1937.]
Garchooka, the Cockatoo.
While now the waters, wind-stirred and red-glowing,
Shadowed by the evening gloom of gums,
Bend in their banks the way the day is going,
While a dusk-gold haze of insects comes
Over the ripples in their coloured flowing,
Garchooka beating from high branches screeches
Discord up and down the river-reaches.
Rex Ingamells.
Venture: An Australian Literary Quarterly (Adelaide, SA), July 1937 (vol. 1, no. 1), p. 16
Also published in:
Rex Ingamells (editor), Jindyworobak Anthology, 1938, Adelaide (SA): F. W. Preece, [1938], p. 29
Rex Ingamells, Sun-Freedom, Adelaide (SA): F. W. Preece, 1938, p. 11
The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 13 July 1938, p. 8, column 3
The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 14 December 1938, p. 2, column 1
Editor’s notes:
All of the versions of this poem which were published in 1938 (listed above) differed slightly from the 1937 version. The 1937 version began the first line of the poem with “While now the waters”; whilst all of the 1938 versions began the first line of the poem with “Though the waters”.
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