[Editor: This poem by L. E. Homfray was published in The Robertson Advocate (Robertson, NSW), 23 December 1921.]
Echoes of the Christmas Bells.
Once again the bells are ringing,
Pealing out with joyful voice,
Telling us of peace and gladness,
Bidding every heart rejoice.
Yet, we listen to their message
Through a tender mist of tears,
As we hear beyond the music
Echoes of the distant years.
From the happy days of childhood
Sound the echoes soft and clear,
Not one loving voice forgotten —
Not one face to memory dear.
As the day of joy and gladness,
Comes again our hearts to greet,
Voices hushed through years of silence
Speak once more in accents sweet.
Holy day of sacred memories
In our heart the music dwells,
As we listen to the echoes
Of the merry Christmas Bells.
— L. E. Homfray, Bowral.
The Robertson Advocate (Robertson, NSW), 23 December 1921, p. 2
Also published in:
The Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW), 23 December 1921, p. 2
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