[Editor: Selected extracts (including some poetry) from the “Deaths” and “In Memoriam” notices published in The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 20 October 1897.]
CANNON.—October 12, Richard C. Cannon, stepson of J. Read, late of Wagga Wagga, leaving a loving wife, two babies, and mother to mourn. Our heartfelt gratitude to our kind friends who stood by us in our hour of need. God’s will be done, my darling son, but it is hard to part.
In memoriam.
GOODCHAP.—In memory of the Hon. Charles Augustus Goodchap, M.L.C., formerly Commissioner for Railways, who departed this life October 20th, 1896, aged 59 years.
KENNEY.—In affectionate memory of James, the son of P. J. Kenney and Mary Kenney, Australia-street, Woollahra, who met with an accident on the 19th October, and died on the 20th, 1896.
He left us in his health and strength,
No thought that death was near;
He had not time to say good-bye
To those he loved so dear.
Inserted by his loving parents.
KENNEY.—In sad and loving memory of our dear brother James, who met with an accident on the 19th, and died on the 230th of October, 1896.
A sudden change; in a moment fell,
I had no time to say farewell.
Make nothing strange; death happens unto all.
My lot to-day; to-morrow you may fall.
Inserted by his loving brothers and sister, Thomas, William, Ambrose, Sydney, and Maggie Kenney.
KENNEY.—In sad but loving memory of Jim Kenney, who died on the 20th October, 1896, aged 25 years. Never forgotten. Inserted by his sorrowing friend, L. Wallace, North Sydney.
The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 20 October 1897, p. 1
Editor’s notes:
Hon. = an abbreviation of “honourable”, especially used as a style to refer to government ministers, or as a courtesy to members of parliament (as a style, it is commonly capitalised, e.g. “the Hon. Member”)
M.L.C. = (abbreviation) Member of the Legislative Council
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