[Editor: This letter to the editor, about the compulsory training of Australian teenage males as military cadets, was published in The Observer (Adelaide, SA), 11 February 1911.]
Compulsory military training
From “Mary Had Another Little Lamb”:— “The Rev. W. Shaw quotes some beautiful lines by the poet James Russell Lowell on the above.
I, too, am a poet:—
Mary had a little lamb,
It’s fleece was white as snow;
Somebody whispered “Discipline,”
And the lamb refused to go.
Mary had always tended it —
It thought its thoughts were right —
So she wrote some lines to the papers,
And got other lambs to bite.
There are some beautiful thoughts in these lines.”
The Observer (Adelaide, SA), 11 February 1911, p. 47
James Russell Lowell = (1819-1891), an American poet, critic, editor, professor, and diplomat; he was born in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA) in 1819, and died in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA) in 1891
See: “James Russell Lowell”, Wikipedia
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