[Editor: This article about the Burke and Wills expedition, was published in A Tribute to the Memory of Burke and Wills (broadsheet), 1862.]
Chronology of the expedition.
August 20. — The Expedition started from Melbourne.
December 16. — Burke, Wills, King, and Gray, (the advance party of the Expedition) left the Depôt at Cooper’s Creek for Carpentaria, with three months provisions.
February 12. — Burke and Wills reached Carpentaria, after having crossed the continent.
April 17. — Gray died, from exhaustion.
April 21. — Brahe left the Depôt at Cooper’s Creek, in the morning.
April 21. — Burke, Wills, and King, arrived at the Depôt, in the evening, and were too exhausted to follow Brahe.
April 23. — Burke, Wills and King, started from the Depôt at Cooper’s Creek, to penetrate into South Australia.
June 30. — Burke died, from exhaustion, having been unsuccessful in his attempt to reach South Australia. Wills died about the same time.
September 15. — King, discovered by Howitt’s party, living with the Blacks, who were very friendly to him since Burke and Wills’ death, treating him as one of themselves.
September 18. — Wills buried by Howitt, in the wilderness.
September 21. — Burke buried by Howitt, in the wilderness.
A Tribute to the Memory of Burke and Wills (broadsheet), South Sydney (NSW): W. T. Baker, [1862]
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