[Editor: This article, regarding mining in Ballarat, was published in The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 4 May 1909.]
Ballarat mining notes.
Ballarat. — At the Ballarat Prospecting Co.’s claim the eastern crosscut is passing through promising country. Mr. Baragwanath, of the Geological department, who recently made an inspection of the mine, is of opinion that a lode should be struck in another 60 or 70 feet of driving. Good progress is being made with the extension of the Western crosscut.
The recent rain has replenished the dams of the Sailors Hill Sluicing Co., Elaine, and it is expected that operations will be in full swing during the next few days.
The water in the No. 2 shaft of the New Jubilee mine has increased to a flow of between 300 and 400 gallons per hour. The ground continues hard.
Messrs. Brough and Ellis, who are working on Black Hill, near Peel-street, have had another satisfactory return. Some time ago they put down a prospecting shaft, and took out a crushing, which yielded at the rate of 19½ dwt. per ton. With a view to ascertaining the length of the reef they went some 600 feet south, and put down another shaft to a depth of 35 feet. They have struck a large flat make on the west side of the vertical, and have taken out seven tons of the stone without, however, touching the vertical. This seven tons was cleaned up on Saturday, and yielded at the rate of 22½ dwts. per ton. Work has now been stopped until the party erects a whim on the claim.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 4 May 1909, p. 7
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