[Editor: A song published in The Herald, 16 December 1882. The words were written by Francis Hart, whilst some music for it was composed by Sir William C. F. Robinson (Governor of South Australia, 1883-1889).]
[Unfurl the Flag]
The following are the words of the Patriotic Song, the music to which has been composed by Sir William Robinson, and which is to be sung at the Concert of the Perth Musical Union on the 22nd instant:—
Unfurl the Flag.
Australian Patriotic Song.
Australia’s sons your flag unfold,
And proudly wave the banner high;
That every nation may behold
Our glorious standard in the sky.
Unfurl the flag, that all may see
Our proudest boast is liberty.
Rejoice in fruitful teeming soil,
In fleecy flocks, and noble kine,
Rejoice in fruits of manly toil,
For honest labour is divine.
Unfurl the flag, etc.
Rejoice in treasure ’neath the earth,
In precious gold in store profuse;
Grant us to know its noblest worth,
Its object and its fitting use.
Unfurl the flag, etc.
In visions hopeful, fair, and bright,
Our country’s future shines afar,
When as a nation we unite,
’Neath Freedom’s blest and beaming star.
Unfurl the flag, etc.
Rejoice Australia’s sons, but ne’er
Forget your fathers’ native land,
Dear England, glorious and fair,
She claims your heart and willing hand.
Unfurl the flag, etc.
To England, Queen, and Austral clime,
Unite in true and loyal toast,
And let it be your song sublime,
That freedom is Australia’s boast!
Unfurl the flag, etc.
— Francis Hart.
The Herald (Fremantle, WA), 16 December 1882, p. 3 of the supplement
Editor’s notes:
blest = (archaic) blessed
kine = cattle
’neath = beneath
Brendan Kelly has written and published (Royal WA Historical Society EARLY DAYS JOURNAL) a number of essays on Francis Hart, a prominent journalist, entrepreneur, composer, actor, singer in Western Australian amateur entertainment circles, 1875-1895. Brendan has also published and presented on Hart’s wife Lilian, a.k.a. CORA, a major journalist and influencer with the WESTERN MAIL newspaper, 1891-1895, and their ill-fated friend Gerald Raikes. Brendan is available to chat about his era/topic of interest, ‘AMATEUR ENTERTAINMENT IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1875-1895’.