[Editor: This is the index from A Short History of Australia (6th edition, 1936) by Ernest Scott (1867-1939).]
A’Beckett, Chief Justice, 219
Aboriginals, 28, 31, 92, 185; Bass and Flinders among, 80; Pamphlet among the, 123; Lockyer and the, 123; West Australia, 136; South Australia, 153; and Batman, 155, 160; of Van Dieman’s Land, 169; war against, 169; Arthur and, 170; ‘drive,’ 171; and George Robinson, 171; removed to Flinders Island, 172; number in Australia, 185; disappearance, 186; at Port Essington, 249
Adelaide, site of, 148, 167; name given, 149; Eyre at, 223, 229; Giles reaches, 234; telegraph from, 249; University, 281
Admiralty, and Dampier, 30; and Cook, 32; and Flinders, 85; naval agreement, 335, 338
Adventure, 36
Africa, proposed penal settlement, 39
Age 259, 260, 264
Agriculture, 182, 273
Ah Toy, 271
Aitkin, John, 159
Alabama claims, 253
Albany, 96, 133, 225
Allenby, General, 353
America, 133; War of Independence, 38, 197; transportation to, stopped, 39; voting by ballot in the U. S., 255
American Civil War, 252
Amiens, 350; Treaty of, 176
Angas, George Fife, 147; and immigration, 269
Anti-Corn Law League, 260
Anti-Transportation League, 194
Anzac, 347
Arafura Sea, 249
Arbitration Bill, 324
Arbitration Courts, 279, 323, 329, 334
Archibald, J. F., 364
Argus, Melbourne, 196
Army, 100; in Sydney, 113; Federal, 344; in Egypt, 363; in South Africa, 363; in China, 363
Arnhem’s Land, 247
Arthur, Colonel George, 164, 166; and the penal system, 165, 188; builds prison, 166; measures against bushranging, 168; ‘black drive,’ 171
Ashburton, 221
Asquith, H. H. (Lord Oxford), 317
Assembly, Legislative, in New South Wales, 207
Assignation of labour, 54, 165
Astrolabe, 96
Atkins, Judge-Advocate, 69, 105
Atlas, 117, 237
Australasian Federal Convention, 302
Australia, early maps of, 1; sighted by Torres, 12; Dutch at, 15, 19, 26, 29; Dampier at, 29, 30; Cook sails for, 33; reaches, 34; eastern coast annexed, 35; his report on, 37; transportation begins, 44; N.S.W. Corps and the Governors, 50, 63; convict system in, 53; exploration of, 75, 118; Flinders appointed to investigate, 83; southern coast mapped, 84; circumnavigated, 84; name applied, 84; integrity of, 95; whole claimed as British, 99; population, 109; fight for free institutions, 112; rivers in, 119; West Australian settlement, 135; Port Phillip settlement, 153; bushrangers in, 166; Great Britain and, 175; fertility and capabilities, 175; farming machines, 182; sheep-breeding, 183; aboriginals of, 185; government of, 197; self-government granted, 204, 250; gold in, 209; minerals in, 221; crossed, 229; exclusion policy, 270; land legislation, 272; culture, 280, 364; democracy in, 285; Federation, 298; Constitution of, 305, 333; passing of, 314; ministries of, 318; and defence, 335; and the Home Country, 357; in arms, 363; race tradition, 363; her novelists, 364; her poets, 365
Australia, 339, 340, 343, 345
Australia Felix, 131
Australian, 112
Australian Agricultural Company, 134, 176
Australian Colonies Government Act, 203
Backhouse, 235, 236
Ballarat, beginnings of, 210, 215, 218; rebellion at, 215
Ballarat Reform League, 216
Ballot, voting by, 254
Banks, Cape, 88
Banks founded, 109
Banks, Joseph, at Botany Bay, 35; suggests penal settlement in New Holland, 41; obtains Bligh’s appointment, 66; Flinders’s, 63; opposed to name Australia, 84; and sheep-breeding, 183
Bankstown, 80
Barrallier, 125
Barcoo, 227, 230, 232
Barklay Tableland, 244
Barney, Colonel George, 236
Baronets, house of, 205
Barrier Range, 226
Barrier Reef, 85
Barrington, the pickpocket, 62
Barry, Redmond, 280
Barton, Edmund, 302; character, 303; and the name ‘Commonwealth,’ 311; in England, 316; first Prime Minister of Australia, 317, 319; resigns, 324; Judge of the High Court, 324; and railway construction, 333; and
defence, 335; at the Colonial Conference, 361
Basilisk, 289
Bass, George, 77, 80; expeditions, 80, 81; at Westernport, 81, 125; circumnavigates Tasmania, 81; last journey, 82
Bass Strait, 81, 172
Bathurst, 118
Bathurst Island, 97, 249
Bathurst, Lord, 115, 181
Bathurst Plains, 78, 211, 219
Batman, John, 131, 154; explores Port Phillip, 155; settlement, 155, 161, 162; his Association, 155, 160, 162; death, 162; and the blacks, 170
Baudin, Captain Nicholas, official history, 86, 87; in Encounter Bay, 87; and Flinders, 87; English Government and, 90, 93
Baxter, 225
Bayley, 220
Becke, Louis, 364
Bendigo, 213, 219, 303
Bent, Ellis, 105
Bent, Jeffery Hart, 105
Bentham, Jeremy, 192
Bentley, 215
Berry, Graham, 254, 261, 266
Bigge, J. T., 110
Bight, Great Australian, 84, 225
Birdwood, General, 347, 350
Bismarck, 293, 294
‘Black war,’ 169
Black Watch, 100
‘Black Wednesday,’ 267
‘Blackbirding,’ 297
Bland, Dr. William, 116
Blaxland, Gregory, 78, 118
Bligh, Governor, 50, 52; autocracy of, 64; succeeds King, 66; character, 66, 99, 109; quarrel with Macarthur, 68; with the N.S.W. Corps, 70; arrested, 72; Rear-Admiral, 74; and bushrangers, 167; at Papua 288
Blue Mountains, 76-80, 118, 176; road across, 118
Boake, Barcroft, 367
Bogan River, 127
Boldrewood, Rolf (T. A. Browne), 364
Botany Bay, the Endeavour anchors in, 34; arrival of the ‘First Fleet,’ 44; French at, 46
Bougainville, 90
Boulder, 220
Bourke, Sir Richard, and Port Phillip, 156, 158, 159; names Melbourne, 161; protest, 176; and squatters, 178; ability, 181; and Moreton Bay, 236
Bowen, Lieut. John, 83, 91
Bowen, Sir George, 240, 267, 291
Brady, a bushranger, 168
Bramble, 288
Braxfield, Lord Justice Clerk, 59
Bremer, Capt. Gordon, 97
Bridges, General, 344
Bright, John, 260
Brisbane, 123, 157, 236, 240, 271; cable from, 283
Brisbane River, 123
Brisbane, Sir Thomas, 84, 97; and tickets of leave, 58; appointed, 111; retires, 113; and exploration, 124; and Moreton Bay, 235; and aborigines, 186
Broken Hill, 221, 226
Brouwer, Hendrik, 18
Bruce, S. M., Prime Minister, 357
Bruce, Lord (quoted), 255
Buckley, 93
Buffalo, 148
Bullecourt, 350
Bulletin, 312, 335, 364
Burke and Wills expedition, 231
Burke, Edmund, 39, 40
Burra copper mine, 221
Burton, Sir William, 257
Bushrangers, in Tasmania, 166, 170; life, 167; measures against, 168; on the mainland, 169
Cables, submarine, 283
Cairns, Governor, 290
Calcutta, 92, 158
California, 211
Camden Park, 184
Camels, 232
Canada, 202, 307, 362
Canberra, 332
Capital, 311, 331, 332
Carnarvon, Lord, 290, 291
Carpentaria, Gulf of, 26, 222, 230, 231, 232, 238
Cartwright, Major, 256
Castlemaine, 215, 219, 252
Castlereagh, Lord, 110
Castlereagh River, 121, 127
Cayley, George, 73; and inland exploration, 77
Central Mount Sturt, 228, 242
Challenger, 98
Chamberlain, Joseph, 315, 316; and the Colonial Conference, 361
Champ, W. T. N., first Premier of Tasmania, 208
Chapman, 210
Chapman, H. S., and the ballot, 255
Chartists and Chartism, 172, 173, 202, 205, 216, 254, 256
Chauvel, General, 352
Chester, 293
Chief Justice, 111, 115
Childers, Hugh, 117, 255, 280
Chinese labour, 270, 271
Church, Established, 108
Church, Roman, 108
Churchill, Winston, 347
Clarence and Richmond district, 239
Clarke, Inglis, 302
Clarke, Marcus, 187, 364
Clarke, W. B., 210
Cloncurry, 232
Clunes, 212
Coal, discovered, 81
Coalcliff, 81
Cobar, 221
Cobden, Richard, 260
Cockburn, Sir A., 254
Cocos Island, 339, 345
Collins, David, in Tasmania, 91; at Port Phillip, 92, 158; death, 163
Colonial Conferences, 361
Colonial Policy (Grey), 55, 197
Colonies, New South Wales, dependent on England, 48
Colonization among Modern Peoples (Leroy-Beaulieu), 275
Colonization Society, 145
Columbus, Christopher, 3
Commissioner, High, for the Western Pacific, 291
Commissioners, for South Australia, 147
Commissioners, Gold, 213
Commissioners, Land, 179, 211; Prison, 192
Commons, House of, Committee on Transportation, 101, 103, 177, 187; on S. Australia, 152; on Land, 179; of Trade and Plantation, 203, 298
Commons, ‘tacking’ in the, 261; Federation Bill before the, 317
Commonwealth, constitution of, 268, 305; labour groups in, 277; draft constitution, 305; name, 310; proclamation of, 317; party politics under, 318; capital, 332
Commonwealth Bank, 329
Conditional-pardon system, 192, 195
Condominium, Anglo-French, 287
Conscription referendum, 354
Constitution, 100, 209, 305; in Tasmania, 164; in Australia, 198, 203; in N.S.W., 206; in Victoria, 207; in S. Australia, 207; Queensland, 240; of the Commonwealth, 268, 306, 333
Convention, Federal, 302; second, 304
Convicts, sent to America, 39; question of disposing of, 39, 187; refused admission to Newfoundland, 43; sent to N.S.W., 44; type of, 47, 62, 172, 189; convict labour, 51, 118, 235; foundation of society, 53; ‘assigned’ labour, 54, 56, 190; ‘emancipists,’ 56; and tickets of leave, 57; political, 59; Irish, 60; at Port Phillip, 92; numbers, 101, 189; uneasiness in England regarding, 110; West Australia asks for, 141; last convict ship, 141; system in Van Diemen’s Land, 165, 191; Earl Grey on, 197; end of the system, 198; escape of, at Brisbane, 236; in New Caledonia, 286
Cook, James, 32; sails for Tahiti, 32; for New Zealand, 33; for Australia, 33; lands, 34; takes possession of eastern coast, 35; second voyage, 35; Voyages of Captain Cook, 37; Lapérouse follows, 46; Bligh under, 66; at Papua, 288
Cook, Joseph, 327; takes office, 327, 329, 342, 355
Cooksland, 239
Coolgardie, 220
Cooper’s Creek, 227, 231, 232
Copper, 221
Corner Inlet, 234
Corowa, 303
Cotton-growing, 296
Council, demand in N.S.W. for a, 101; Legislative, 111, 198; enlarged, 111; in South Australia, 198; Western Australia, 198; Victoria, 203; Tasmania, 203
Court of Arbitration, 323
Courts of Justice, 69, 105; Supreme Court, 111; High Court, 309, 310, 315, 324
Cowper, Charles, 257, Land Bill, 257
Creswick, 215
Crimean War, 250
Crown Lands Sale Act, 180
Cultivation, 235
Cumberland, 85, 91
Cunningham, Allan, 121, 125
Customs duties, 259, 273, 322
Cygnet, 29
Da Gama, Vasco, 3
Daley, Victor, 367
Dalgety, 331
Dalley, W . B., 363
Daly, Sir Dominick, 247
Damascus, 353
Dampier, William, 29; first voyage to Australia, 29; account of his travels, 30, 31; second voyage, 30; opinion of the west coast, 132; at Papua, 288
Darling Downs, 125, 226, 228
Darling, Governor, the French and settlement, 96, 124, 154; appointed, 113; and the soldiers, 113; attempts to suppress the Australian, 113; and trial by jury, 115; anxious to found a settlement on the Swan, 133
Darling, River, 119, 130; discovered, 127; junction with the Murray, 128
Darling, Sir Charles, 252; position during Victorian Parliamentary crisis, 263; recalled, 265
Darwin. See Port Darwin
Davey, Colonel, 164; sympathy with the natives, 169
David, Edgeworth, 281
Dawson, Anderson, 278
‘Deadlock’ in Victoria Parliament, 262, 268
Deakin, Alfred, 310; in England, 316; Federal Minister, 319; Prime Minister, 324, 325, 327; resigns, 324, 326, 327; retires, 328; and compulsory military training, 337; and the Colonial Conference, 361; and tariffs, 362
Decaen, General, and Flinders, 85; and Sydney, 94
Decres, Ile, 88
Defence, 334
Dendy, Henry, 180
Denison Fort, 251
Denison, Sir William, 199, 239, 251
Dentrecasteaux, 90
Derby, Lord, 208; and New Guinea, 289, 290, 292, 295
Derwent, River, 91, 93
‘De Wit’s Land,’ 21, 26
Diaz, Bartholomew, 3
Dickson, J. R., 313; in England, 316
Diemen, Anthony van, 23; death, 27; letter of rebuke to, 27
Dilke, Sir Charles, 191, 248
Discipline among the convicts, 56, 165
Disraeli, 290, 358
Donaldson, S. A., 207
Dorsetshire labourers’ case, 173
Drinks, intoxicating, imported under Grose, 51
Drought, 125
Dry farming, 182
Duffy, Gavan, 173, 272, 273
Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, 103
Dumaresq River, 125, 130
Duntroon, 337
Durham’s Report, Lord, 202
D’Urville, Dumont, 96, 124
Dutch, explorations by, 13; and Spaniards, 13; Eastern voyages, 15, 17; in Australia, 19, 26; voyages discouraged, 27, 96
Duyfken, 17
East India Companies, 90
Economic policies, 204, 261
Education, 279; Board of, 279; test for immigration, 321
Eendracht, 19; Land of the, 19, 26, 30
Efate, 287
Egypt, 344, 346, 347, 363
El Arish, 352
Elder, Sir Thomas, 281
Elgar, 180
Elizabeth, 131
‘Emancipists,’ 56; social recognition of, 100; Bigge’s report on, 110; and soldiers, 113
Emden, 339, 345
Encounter Bay, 84, 87, 128, 148
Endeavour Bark (Earl of Pembroke), 32, 41
Endeavour Strait, 35
England, American loyalists in, 38; penal system of, 38, 53, 62, 188, 191; effect of Napoleonic wars on, 143; ‘tacking’ in, 261
England (Imperial Government), and Australia, 175, 332; and the convict system, 38, 141, 187; and the Governors, 99; sends out Macquarie, 100; attitude towards free immigration, 107, 122, 269; appoints Bigge as Commissioner, 110; establishes Legislative Council, 111; and the jury system, 114; and Peel’s scheme, 134; the Swan settlement, 142; opposed to expansion, 146, 159; and land policy, 175; grants self-government, 204, 250; and gold-fields, 214; and the Northern Territory, 247; settlement at Port Essington, 249; freedom of Colonies from, 250; and the Chartist ‘points,’ 256; and the Victorian crisis, 266; and Chinese immigration, 271, 321; New Guinea and Papua, 291; annexation repudiated, 293; authorizes Federal Council, 300; Federation, 314; and Federal defence, 335; relations between, 357
English off Australia, 21
Enterprise, 158
Erskine, Colonel, 104
Erskine, Commodore, 295
Escape Cliffs, 248
Eureka Stockade, 215
Evans, G. W., crosses Blue Mountains, 78, 118, 121
Everard, Cape, 34
Exclusion policy, 270, 320
Exploration, Australian, early, 75; interior, 118, 222
Eyre, E. J., 223; explorations, 223, 234
Eyre, Lake, 223, 234
Factory laws, 278
Farming, 182
Farrer, William, 183
Fawkner, John Pascoe, 158; settlement, 161
Federation, 198; in Western Australia, 221; first proposals of, 298; proposed Federal Council, 300; Federal Convention, 302; popular leagues, 302; passed, 303; before the Commons, 317; passed, 317; proclaimed, 317; and defence, 335
Field, Barron, 106
Fiji, 300
Finnegan, 123
Finnis, B. T., 208, 248
First Fruits of Australian Poetry, 106
Fisher, Andrew, leader of the Labour Party, 326; first Ministry, 327; resigns, 328; again Prime Minister, 328; mode of choosing Ministry, 328; third Ministry, 330; High Commissioner, 330; and railway construction, 333; and military training, 337; on War, 343; at the Imperial Conference, 361
Fison, L., 185
Fitzgerald, Governor, 141
Fitzmaurice, Lord, 294
Fitzroy, Sir Charles, 196, 199; founds Gladstone Colony, 238, 239
Flinders Island, 172
Flinders, Matthew, 25, 80; selects convicts, 57; explorations with Bass, 80, 124 circumnavigates Tasmania, 81; explores South Coast, 84; circumnavigates Australia, 84; his Voyage, 84, 147; wrecked, 85; sets out for England, 85; a prisoner in Mauritius, 85; death, 86; recommends Oxley, 119; and Macquarie Harbour, 166; Jorgensen with 174; plan for exploration, 222; at Papua, 288
Flinders River, 232
Foch, Marshal, 353
Forbes, Sir Francis, 111; refuses certificate, 114; on trial by jury, 115; and immigration, 269
Ford, 220
Forrest, John, 209, 234, 315, 332; Lord Forrest of Banbury, 355
Fox, C. J., 59
Franchise, 199; method of voting, 255; women’s, 256, 309
Franklin, Sir John, 191
Fraser, the botanist, 132
Free Trade, 260
Fremantle, 135
Fremantle, Captain, 98
French, at Botany Bay, 45; at Port Jackson, 57; and Sydney, 60; and Flinders, 85; Baudin’s expedition, 86; names in Australia, 87; expeditions, 88; report on Port Phillip, 91; designs, 93, 94, 98, 132; in New Caledonia, 286; in New Hebrides, 286; in North America, 362
Frenchman, Henry, 212
Fresne, Marion du, 90
Freycinet, Louis de, 19
Friendly Islands, 25
Frost, the Chartist, 172
Fry, Elizabeth, 192
Fulton, Henry, 102
Furneaux, 36
Fusion Government, 328
Fysh, Sir Philip, 316, 319
Garden Island, 135, 148, 157
Gascoyne, River, 223, 234
Gawler, Colonel George, 149
Gazette, Sydney, 112, 167
Geelong, site of, 124; purchase of land near, 162
Geelvink, 19
Gellibrand, J. T., 154, 155, 165
Gellibrand’s Point, 161
Geoffry Hamlyn, 364
Géographe, 87
George V, King (Duke of Cornwall and York), 317
George, Lake, 124
George’s River, 80
Germans, in Australia, 229, 269; and Papua, 288, 291, 294; naval efforts, 338; colonies seized, 363
Gerrald, Joseph, 59
Giles, Ernest, 234
Gillen, F. J., 185
Gipps, Governor, 116, 178; and the land question, 179, 269; ability, 181; and the gold discoveries, 210
Gippsland, 210, 211, 234
Gladstone Colony, 236
Gladstone District, 236
Gladstone, town of, 238
Gladstone, W. E., 117, 237, 359; and transportation, 195, 236; and self-government, 204, 359; and railway gauge, 283
Glenelg, Lord, and Asiatic labour, 270
Glenelg River, 131
Gold, Van Diemen’s directions to procure, 24; brings immigrants, 205; Australia’s contribution of, 209; discovery of, 210; finds of, 212; Government claim, 215; licences, 213; riots in Victoria, 215; companies, 219; from Mount Morgan, 220; in Papua, 291
Goldsmith, Oliver, 32
Gordon, A. L., 365
Gordon, Sir Arthur, 291
Goschen, Lord, 360
Goulburn, River, 124, 125
Goulburn, Under-Secretary, 110, 181
Government, till 1823, 63, 101; demand for popular, 101; Constitutional, begun, 110; Act for, 199; of the Commonwealth, 308
Governor-General, 199, 309, 362
Governors, powers of, 63; salary, of, 64
Grant, Lieutenant James, 83, 88, 125
Granville, Lord, 293, 295
Gray, 232
Great Australian Bight, 84, 88, 225
Great Lake, 171
Greater Britain (Dilke), 191, 248
Gregory, A. C., 231, 244
Grenville, Lord, 43
Grey, Earl, 55, 165, 210, 298; and transportation, 195, 357; elected for Melbourne, 201; and the Gladstone Colony, 237
Grey, Sir George, 151, 198; appointed Governor of New Zealand, 153; explorations, 223
Griffith, Samuel, 300, 302, 304, 324
Grimes, Charles, 91
Grose, Major Francis, 51; government, 51, 176; suppresses civil magistracy, 52
Grote, George, 146
Gulden Seepaart, 21
Gulliver’s Travels, 32
Gunn, Mrs., 364
Gwydir, River, 125, 130
Gympie, 220
Hacking, Henry, 77
Haines, W. C., Victorian Premier, 208, 255
Hakluyt, Richard, 15
Hamilton, General, 347, 349
Hargreaves, Edward, 211
Harris-Browne, 227
Hartog, Dirk, 19
Hashemy, 196
Hawkesbury River, 75
Hay, R. W., 159
Hayes, ‘Bully,’ 297
Hayes, Sir H. B., 62
Hearne, 281
Heemskerk, 24, 25
Heemskerk, Jacob van, 17
Henderson, Sir Reginald, 338
Henty family, 131, 153, 163
Herbert, R. W., Premier of Queensland, 241
Heysen, Hans, 368
Hicks, Lieutenant, 34
Hicks-Beach, Sir Michael, 291, 295
High Court, 309, 315, 324
Higinbotham, 264, 272, 359
Hill 60, Gallipoli, 349
Hilsborough, 54
Hindenburg line, 352
Hindmarsh, Capt., 148: recalled, 149
Hiscock, Thomas, 212
History of New South Wales (Collins), 163
History of Tasmania (West), 170
Hobart, 91, 157, 163, 172; peopled from Norfolk Island, 165
Hobson, Capt., 161
Homesteads Act, 272
Hondius, 1
Hope, Mount, 130
Hopetoun, Earl of, 317
Hotham, Governor, 214, 218
Houtman, Cornelius, 15
Houtman’s Abrolhos, 15
Hovell, W. H., 124
Howard, John, 192
Howe, Cape, 34, 81, 124, 200, 238
Howe, Michael, 168
Howitt, A. W., 185, 232
Hughes, W. M., Prime Minister of Australia, 330, 353; conscription referendum, 354, 355, 356; ceases to be Labour leader, 354; at Versailles, 356; end of Prime Ministership, 357
Hume, A. H., 124, 129
Hunter, John, 46; Governor, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 64, 80, 81; appointed, 64; opposed by the officers, 64; encourages cultivation, 176
Huskisson, 133
Ibsen, 213
Iceland, 174
Immigrant’s Home Letters (Parkes), 302
Immigration, free, disliked by Macquarie, 107; restrictions removed, 107, 122; to West Australia, 135, 141; caused by gold, 205; urgency of, 261; schemes of, 269; Chinese, 269
Immigration Restriction Act (1901), 322
Imperial Conference, 361
Imperial Defence Conference, 338
Imperial Government. See England
Indicopleustes, Cosmas, 2
Industrial Court, 279
Institute of France, 90
Investigator, 84, 85, 87
Investment, in Australia, 134
Irish Exile, 173
Irish Rebellion (1798), 60; (1848), 173
Irrigation, 273
Irwin, Captain, 137, 140
James Baines, 282
Jansz, Willem, 17
Japan, and Northern Territory, 248
Java, 5; Dutch at, 15, 18, 28, 96; cable to, 283
Jervis Bay, 332, 337
Johnston, Major George, commanding N.S.W. Corps, 70; arrests Bligh, 72; cashiered, 74
Jones, the Chartist, 172
Jorgensen, 174
Jubilee, Queen Victoria’s, 360
Judge Advocate, 69, 105, 115
Judicature Act, 111
Kalgoorlie, 220, 284, 333
Kanakas, 295, 322
Kangaroo Island, 88, 148, 157
Kelly gang, 169
Kendall, H. C., 365
Kennedy, E. B., journeys, 231; death, 231
Kernot, W. C. (quoted), 284
Kerr, Dr., 212
Kimberley, 220
King, 232
King, Capt. Philip, 97
King George’s Sound, 84, 344; settlement at, 132; Eyre’s journey to, 225
King, Governor, 50, 52, 60, 61, 64, 77; powers of, 63, 65; annexes Tasmania, 90; occupies Port Phillip, 91
Kingsley, Henry, 364
Kingston, C. C., 302; in England, 316; in Federal Ministry, 319; resigns, 323; death and character, 323
Kipling, Rudyard, 296
Kitchener, Lord, 337, 338, 350
Kosciusko, Mount, 76, 234, 331
Labour, ‘assigned,’ 54; in N.S.W., 58; in Western Australia, 140; effect of convict, 189; needed by landowners, 191, 194; squatters and, 269; Labour Party, 276, 277; unrest, 269; Kanaka, in Queensland, 295, 322; Labour Party in the Federal Parliament, 319, 324; Government, 320, 324, 326; majority in the 1910 elections, 328; mode of choosing ministry, 328; and Constitutional alteration, 334
Labourers, Friendly Society of Agricultural, 173
Lachlan River, 118; Oxley follows, 119
Lady Nelson, 82; first vessel to sail westward through Bass Strait, 82; sent to Tasmania, 91; Jorgensen on, 174
Lalor, Peter, 217, 218
Lamb, Charles, 106, 172
Lambert, G., 368
Land, officers acquire, 51; mortgaged, 65; policy, 140, 176, 180; the Wakefield Principle, 144, 179, 261; grants, question of legality, 179; minimum price, 179; Land Bill, 180, 249, 269; legislation, 269, 272; unappropriated, 358
Land Transfer Act, 274
Landells, 231
Landsborough, William, 232
Lang, Dr., 187, 201, 235, 239, 269
Lapérouse, Comte de, 45, 46, 90
Latrobe, G. J., 161, 162; refuses to receive convicts, 196; at the gold mines, 212; and the licence system, 215; and education, 280
Launceston, 93, 154, 155, 157, 163, 168
Lawson, Henry, 364, 366
Lawson, Lieutenant, 78, 118
Lead, 221
Leeuwin, 21
Legislative Council, established and enlarged, 111; in Tasmania etc., 164, 203; and land, 180; Moreton Bay and N.S.W., 239; crisis in the N.S.W., 256; in the Victorian, 258
Leichhardt, Ludwig, 229, 238; in search of, 231, 234
Leroy-Beaulieu, 275
Letter from Sydney, A (Wakefield), 143
Licences, squatters’, 178; gold, 213, 219
Light, Colonel William, 148, 157
Lighthouse, 108
Lima, 82
Linnaeus, 35
Linschoten, John, 15
Liverpool Plains, 121
Lockyer, Major Edmund, 98, 123, 132
London Bank of Australia, 262
Lonsdale, Capt. William, 160
Lord Auckland, 237
Lord Glenelg, 151
Lord, Lieutenant, 163
Lorenzo, 18
Loveless, George, 173
Lowe, Robert, 116, 201, 237, 279
Loyalists, driven from America, 38; neglected, 42
Ludendorf, General, 352
Lyne, William, 319
Macarthur, James, 177
Macarthur, John, 67; quarrels with King, 67; with Bligh, 68; trial, 70; Colonial Secretary in N.S.W., 74; in England, 74, 110; on Macquarie, 100, 108; and sheep-breeding, 183
Macarthur, Mrs. John, 52
MacDonald, Governor, 229
Macdonnell Ranges, 242
Macquarie, Governor, 57; requests adoption of the name Australia, 84; appointed, 100; and the emancipists, 101, 106, 107, 110, 121; and the Law Courts, 106; anecdotes of, 107, 108; constructs road, 118; censures Lord, 163; Davey, 164
Macquarie Harbour, 25; penal settlement, 166, 167
Macquarie River, 118; explored, 119, 127
Magellan, 4
Mallee, 182
Manhood suffrage, 256
Mandates, 356
Manners-Sutton, Governor, 266
Manufactures, 260, 273, 279
Maps of Australia, early, 1, 5, 6; Dutch, 17, 19
Marco Polo, 282
Margarot, Maurice, 51, 59
Maritime strike, 277
Marquesas Islands, 10
Marsden, Rev. Samuel, 107, 183
Maryborough, 215
Masons’ Society, 276
Massacre Bay, 25
Masson, Miss E., 249
Mathew, John, 185
Matra, James Maria, 41
Mauritius, 24, 90; Flinders at, 85
Maury, M. F., 282
McBrian, 210
McCay, General, 346
McCulloch, James, 258; proposes a tariff, 259; reform of the Legislative Council, 261; dispute with the Council, 262; returned to power, 263; and the Darling grant, 266
McEwan, James, 260
McIlwraith, Sir Thomas, 292; annexes New Guinea, 293
McKinlay, 232
McLean, Alan, 325
McMillan, Angus, 234
Meagher, Thomas, 173
Melbourne, site of, 92, 132, 156, 157, 180; name, 161; growth, 193; and transportation, 193, 196; representation, 200, 201; protectionists in, 253; trade unions in, 276; University, 281; Federal Parliament in, 318
Melbourne, 339
Melville Island, 29; settlement, 96, 97; annexation, 96
Mendaña, Alvaro de, 9
Menindie, 232
Mermaid, 123
Messines Ridge, 350
Methodists, 108
Milbanke, Governor, 43
Military defence, questions of, 335; Disraeli and, 358
Military service, compulsory, 336
Mill, John Stuart, 256
Millbank jail, 192
Minerals, 221
Miners, gold, 213, 215; and the landowners, 217; and Federation, 221, 304; in Papua, 291
Mississippi, 225
Mitchel, John, 173
Mitchell, Sir Thomas, 130; exploring expeditions, 130, 153, 182, 230, 238; and Leichhardt, 230
Mitta-Mitta, River, 124
Molesworth, Sir William, 146; and transportation, 188
Moluccas, 7, 28
Monaro, 234, 331
Monash, General, 351
Monopolies, proposed legislation on, 334
Moresby, Captain, 289
Moreton Bay, 123, 229; first settlement, 235; abandoned, 236; district, 238, 239
Morgan Brothers, the, 220
Mount Morgan, 220
Mount Alexander, 212, 252
Mount Hopeless, 223
Muir, Thomas, 59
Munro, General, 350
Munro-Ferguson, Sir Ronald, 330
Münster, Count, 294
Murchison River, 223, 234, 231
Murchison, Sir Roderick, 210
Murray, Lieutenant John, 83, 91, 125
Murray (Hume), River, 87, 119, 124, 162; discovery, 128; Mitchell follows, 130; boundary, 200
Murray, Sir George, 128
Murrumbidgee River, 119, 124, 127; junction with the Murray, 128; boundary, 200
Mutinies (1803, 1804), 60
Namoi River, 121
Napier, Sir Charles, 147
Napoleon III, 251
Napoleon and Napoleonic wars, 37, 88, 93, 99, 143, 174, 176, 190
Napoléon, Terre, 88
Nash, 220
Natal, 203, 321
Nationalization, 334
Natives, Van Diemen’s directions for dealing with, 23
Nauru, 357
Naval Commission, 287
Navy, Australian, 335, 338, 339
Neck’s fleet, Van, 18
Negrito stock, 169
Nelson, 66, 94, 148, 164
Neptune, 54
New Caledonia, 286
New Guinea, early reference to, 6; Torres at, 12; errors regarding, 17; annexation of, 285; Dutch adopt name, 287; Company, 289; question of annexation, 288; British New Guinea, 295, 332
New Hebrides, 287
New Holland, name used, 26; Cook sails for, 33; settlements advised in, 41; whole claimed, 98
New South Wales, name first given, 35; defined, 44, 97; interior, 75; bushranging in, 169; extent, 197;division, 199, 203, 239; its constitution, 207, 248; gold discovered, 210; riots, 214; and the Northern Territory, 242; crisis in the Legislative Council, 256; and land, 273; education in, 279; railways in, 283; and Papua, 289; opposed to Federal Council, 300; and Federation, 303, 311; and the Commonwealth capital, 331
New South Wales Corps, 50; and the Governors, 50; officers and trade, 51, 52; and Governor Hunter, 64; and Governor King, 66; Macarthur in, 67; quarrel with Bligh, 70; officer administers the Colony, 74; ceases to exist, 100
New Zealand, discovered, 25; Cook at, 33; second voyage to, 36; on Federal Council, 300
Newcastle, 57, 176
Newcastle, Duke of, 246
Newfoundland, 43, 111
Newport, 172
Nicholson, Sir Charles, 245
Nicholson, William, 255
Nominee Chambers, 256
Nore, mutiny at the, 102
Norfolk, 81
Norfolk Island, 48, 54, 165, 189, 198, 332
Northamptonshire Regiment, 104
Northern Territory, 242; administered by South Australia, 247; dependency of the Commonwealth, 248, 332
Noumea, 286
Nuggets, 212
Nuyts, Pieter, 21
O’Brien, Smith, 173
Ocean, 92
O’Connell, Maurice, 238
O’Connor, Richard, 324
O’Donohue, 173
O’Dowd, Bernard, 366
Officers. See New South Wales Corps
Oompiebong, 236
Ortelius, 2
Ovens, River, 124
Oxley, John, first journey of exploration, 119; second, 119; voyage in the Mermaid, 123; effect of discoveries, 238
Pacific islands, 285, 322
Pacific islands, Labourers’ Act, 322
Pacific, Western, Commissioner, 291
Page, William, 167
Palestine campaign, 353
Palmer, T. F., 59
Palmerston. See Port Darwin
P. & O. Company, 282
Pamphlet, 123
Papua, 287; question of annexation, 290; gold discovered in, 291; annexed by Queensland, 292; repudiated, 293; name restored, 332
Pardons, conditional on, 192
Parkes, Henry, 205, 254, 258, 360; and exclusion, 271; and education, 280; and Papua, 290, 295; and Federation, 300, 301; description of, 301; on ‘the crimson thread of kinship,’ 360
Parliaments, 206, 238; reform, 255; disputes, 261, 268; Federal, 209, 317
Parmelia, 135
Parramatta, 69
Parramatta (Rose Hill), 49, 75; prison at, 54
Paterson, Andrew, 366
Paterson, Captain William, acts as governor, 51, 176; explorer, 77; at Port Dalrymple, 93, 163
Paton, J. G., 297
Payment of members, 256, 266, 276
Peacock, Alexander, 279
Pearce, Senator, 337; Defence Minister, 343
Pearson, C. H., 281
Peel River, 121
Peel, Sir Robert, 134, 260
Peel, Thomas, and immigrants, 134; failure of his plan, 137; opposed to the Wakefield Principle, 144
Penal code. See England
Penrith, 78
Pentonville, 192, 194
Péron, 94
Perth, site, 135, 157; seat of government, 141, 208; explorations from, 234; University, 281; railway from, 332
Phillip, Arthur, first Governor of N.S.W., 44, 47, 64, 157; reports from, 47, 48, 49; resigns, 49; and ‘assigned’ labour, 54
Philippines, 12
Pilbara, 220
Pitt, William, 40, 42
Pittwater, 45
Plenty Ranges, 212, 219
Plural voting abolished, 256
Poets, Australian, 365
Porpoise, 85
Port Adelaide, 274
Port Arthur, 166
Port Augusta, 284, 333
Port Curtis, 123, 231; 236; town at, 238
Port Dalrymple, 93, 96, 163
Port Darwin (Palmerston), 229, 232, 248; cable from, 283
Port Essington, 230, 249
Port Hacking, 80
Port Jackson, 35, 38, 44, 75, 88, 90, 94; Macquarie at, 100; lighthouse at, 108
Port King, 83
Port Lincoln, 148
Port Phillip, 82; settlement at, 91, 153; Hume and Hovell return to, 124; Batman at, 155; settlement recognized, 162; convicts sent to, 193; representation, 200; separated from N.S.W., 203, 238
Port Phillip Association, 155, 157, 162
Port Phillip Patriot, 193
Portland Harbour, 131, 153
Portugal, discoveries, 3; disputes with the Spaniards, 7; decline of, 94
Possession, Cape, 288
Possession Island, 35
Pozières, 350
Presbyterian Church, 286
Press, freedom of the, 113; Australian issued, 112; Gazette, 112; Atlas, 117; Age, 259, 264
Prévost-Paradol, 285
Privy Council, 315
Privy Council, Judicial Committee, 272
‘Probation’ system, 192
Protection, 258, 279; Syme advocates, 259; fiscal policy of Australia, 322, 362
Public Schools Act, 280
Pyramid Dill, 130
Queen Charlotte’s Sound, 36
Queensland, gold in, 219; beginnings, 235; formed, 239; government, 240;responsible government, 240; and the Northern Territory, 243; Homesteads Act, 272; Labour party in, 278; University, 281; and Papua, 290, 292; and Kanakas, 296; and Federation, 304
Quick, John, 303
Quiros, Pedro de, 10
Raffaelo, 218
Raffles Bay, 98
Railway construction, 283, 332
Randolph, 196
Rapid, 148
Rattlesnake, 161, 237
Rawlinson, General, 351
Reade, Charles, 187
Real Property Act, 275
Rebecca, 155
Redcliffe, 236
Redfern, 102, 104, 110
Referendums, 313, 314
Reform, Parliamentary, 256
Reid, G. H., opposed to Federation, 311; in Federal Parliament, 319, 324; Prime Minister, 325; High Commissioner, 328
Reliance, 80
Representative Government, 202, 203; schemes of, in the provinces, 201, 240; freedom in, 250; history of, 255
Representatives, House of, 308, 319
Resolution, 35
Responsible Government, 206, 207
Richmond district, 239
Ridley, John, 182
Risdon Cove, 91, 93, 174
Riverina, 200
Rivers, Australian, 119, 129
Robbins, 125
Robertson, John, 257, 272, 273
Robinson, George, 171, 187
Robinson, Governor, 290
Rochefort, Henri, 286
Roebuck, 30
Rogers, Frederic, 358
Roman Catholics 108
Romani, 352
Rose Hill. See Paramatta
Roth, H. L., 185
Royal George, 193
Royal Society, 32
Russell, Lord John, 55, 99, 165, 180, 200, 202, 223, 251
Russell, Robert, 161
Sailing improvements, 282
St. Patrick’s Head, 171
St. Vincent’s Gulf, 84, 148
Salisbury, Lord, 271
Samoa, 295
Sari Bair, 349
Schanck, John, 82
Science in Australia, 282
‘Scottish martyrs,’ 59
Sea King, 252
Sea power, 94, 99; Australia guarded by, 250, 305, 335
Seamen’s Union, 277
‘Selection before survey,’ 257, 272
Self-government. See Representative Government
Senate, 308
Service, James, 254
Settlements, at Sydney, 46; Norfolk Island, 48; in Tasmania, 91, 93; Port Phillip, 91; made free, 107, 121; West Australia, 135; limitation or expansion of, 159, 176; New Caledonian penal, 286
Settlers, free, 101; flogged, 107, 110; and the convicts, 190, 236
Shark’s Bay, 19, 31
Shearers’ Union, 277
Sheep-breeding, 183; compared with gold, 211
Shenandoah incident, 252
Sidmouth, Lord, 122
Silver, 221
Singapore, 249
Sirius, 44, 46
Skirving, William, 59, 62
Smith, Isaac, 35
Snowy River, 331
Solander, 35
Soldiers in Sydney, 113
Solomon Islands, 9
Sorell, Colonel William, 164, 166, 169
Sorell, town of, 168
South African War, 363
South Australia, 146; established, 147; barred to convicts, 147, 262 growth of, 150; made a Crown Colony, 152; boundary, 201; self-government, 207; and exploration, 228; and the Northern Territory, 248; and immigration, 270; and land, 274; and the submarine cable, 283; railways in, 283
South Australian Land Company, 146; Association, 146; Company, 147, 150
South Head, 108
Spain, discoveries by, 3; and the Portuguese, 6; and Australasia, 9; decline of, 96
Spee, Admiral von, 339
Spencer, Baldwin, 185, 282
Spencer’s Gulf, 84, 222, 333
Squatters, 177, 238, early meaning, 177; licences, 178; and gold, 214, 220; in the Northern Territory, 246; and the Cowper Land Bill, 257; and immigration, 269; conflict between selectors and, 274
Standard, 102
Stanley, Lord, 199
State and Position of Western Australia (Irwin), 140
Staten Land. See New Zealand
Stawell, William, 207
Steamship Companies, 282
Stephen, Wilberforce, 280
Stephens, J. B., 365
Stewart, George, 160
Stingray Harbour. See Botany Bay
Stirling, Captain James, 132, 133, 135; reports, 137; character, 138; maintains Swan River settlement, 138
Streaky Bay, 225
Streeton, A., 368
Strike, maritime, 277; spreads, 277
‘Stripper,’ invented, 182
Strzelecki, Count Paul, 209, 234
Stuart, Charles Edward, 47
Stuart, J. M., 228; journeys of exploration, 228, 246, 247, 274
Sturt, Captain Charles, 125; first expedition, 127; second, 127; news in England, 145; explores the interior, 226
Sturt’s desert pea, 227
Submarine cables, 249, 283
Success, 132
Sudds, 113
Suez Canal, 282; defence of, 346
Sugar industry, 296, 323
Supply, 44
Swan, Captain, 29
Swan Hill, 130
Swan River, 98, 234; explored, 132; colony, 136; Hentys remove from, 154
Sweating, 279
Swift, Gulliver, 32
Sydney, founded, 45, 46; prison at, 54; developed by Macquarie, 108; Gazette and Australian, 112; against transportation, 194; refuses convicts, 196; trade unions in, 276; University, 280; Federal Convention at, 302; claims to be Federal capital, 311, 313; naval base at, 339
Sydney, 339, 345
Sydney Herald, 197
Sydney, Lord, 41; interviews Matra, 41; and Pitt, 42
Syme, David, 254, 259; advocates Protection, 260; preeminent in Victorian politics, 264
Syme, Ebenezer, 259
‘Tacking,’ 261, 267
Tahiti, 33
Tamar, 97
Tariff, introduced in Victoria, 261; passed, 264; attitude of parties in Federal parliament, 320; first tariff, 322; Disraeli and an Imperial, 358; preference to British goods, 362
Tasman, Abel, 23; first voyage of exploration, 24; second, 25
Tasman Sea, 25
Tasmania, Van Diemen’s Land, discovered, 24; circumnavigated, 81; settlements on, 90, 91; early history of, 164; separated from N.S.W., 164; convict system in, 165; bushranging in, 166; ‘black war,’ 169; name changed, 175; increase of convicts, 191; Council, 198; Responsible Government, 208; University, 281
Telegraph, 249
Terre Napoléon, 88
Thistle, 154
Thomas, Captain, 217
Thonen, 218
Thorne, Robert, 1
Thursday Island, 293
Tickets of leave, 57, 193, 270
Tin, 221
Todd, Charles, 249, 283
Tom Thumb, 80
Torrens Act. See Land Transfer Act
Torrens, Lake, 223, 234
Torrens, Robert, 274
Torres, Luis de, 10; at Papua, 288
Torres Strait, 17, 287
Towns, Robert, 296
Townsend, Mount, 76
Trade Union movement, 173; in Australia, 276, 329
Transportation, begun to Australia, 44; sentences of, 53; mode of, 53; political prisoners sentenced to, 59; without trial, 61; Bigge’s report on, 110; to S. Australia barred, 147, 270; Committee on, 187; suspended, 189; agitation against, 194; cessation, 197
Trial by jury, 112-15
Trial, wreck of the, 21
‘Trust,’ first, 52
Tuckey, Lieutenant, 92
Turner, Sir George, 279, 313, 319
Turon riots, 214
Union Jack, 83
United States. See America
Universities, 280
Untamed Territory, An, 249
Upper House, hereditary proposed, 206
Vancouver, cable to, 283
Vancouver, Captain George, 84
Van Diemen’s Land. See Tasmania
Van Diemen’s Land Company, 134, 177
Vanicoro, 46
Venus, 81
Vern, 217, 218
Versailles, Treaty of, 356
Victims of Whiggery (Loveless), 173
Victoria, district, 124; settlers in, 137; commencement, 161; Kelly gang in, 169; land in, 182; boundary of, 200; separated, 203; Constitution, 203, 207; gold discovered in, 210; amount of gold from, 212; disturbances, 214; the ‘Republic’ of, 217; and Burke and Wills expedition, 231; progress, 238; first to adopt the ballot, 255; conflict between the Council and the Assembly, 261, 262; protection advocated for, 259; Council reformed, 268; and immigration, 270; and land, 272; and labour, 279; and education, 280; railways in, 283
Victoria (Natal), 203
Villers-Bretonneux, 350
Visscher, Franz, 24
Vlaming, Captain, 19, 132
Voting by post, 329
Voyage to Terra Australis, A (Flinders), 84, 86, 148
Vyanen, 21
Waddell, Lieutenant, 252
Wages board, 278
Wainewright, Thomas Griffith, 172
Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 143; his land scheme, 145, 179, 190, 268
Walker, 235, 236
Walpole, Sir Spencer, 144
War, Australia in, 340; political situation at outbreak of, 342; statements of party leaders, 343; the A.I.F., 344; departure of contingents, 344; Sydney-Emden fight, 345; defending Suez Canal, 346; Gallipoli campaign, 346; Anzac, 347; evacuation of Gallipoli, 350; battles in Flanders, 350; Palestine campaign, 352; conscription referendum, 354, 356; National War Government, 355; Australian losses, 356
Wardell, Dr., 112; fights a duel, 113; killed, 169
Watson, J. C., 319, 324; Prime Minister, 325; retires, 326
Wedge, J. H., 158
Wellington, Duke of, 128, 146
Wellington, Mount, 93
Wentworth, 71
Wentworth, William Charles, explorer, 78, 118; agitates for free government, 112, 206; for freedom of the Press, 112; for trial by jury, 112, 115; and self-government, 204, 206; and the Cowper Government, 257; and Universities, 280
West, John, 170
Westall, 148
Western Australia, first settlement, 134; population, 139; and convictism, 139; self-government, 208; responsible government, 208; gold found in, 220; extent, 242; University, 281; and Federation, 314, 315; and railway construction, 332
Westernport, 81; surveyed, 82; settlement at, 95, 124, 234
Whately, Archbishop, 192
Wheat, 182; ‘Federation,’ 183
‘White Australia,’ 320
Wide Bay, 239
William IV, address to, 115; names Adelaide, 149; death, 161
Williams, the Chartist, 172
Williamstown, 161
Wills, W. J., 231
Wilson, Edward, 196
Wilson’s Promontory, 76, 124, 234
Wise, Captain, 216, 217
Witsen, 29
Women suffrage, 256, 309; women in Universities, 281
Wool, 67, 178, 183
Wordsworth, 60
Wright, Captain, 98
Wytfliet, Cornelius, 6
Yarra, River, 91, 131, 156, 161, 212
Yass, 127
Yeomanry, 272
‘Yes-no’ attitude, 312
Yilgarn gold field, 220
York, Cape, sighted by Torres, 12, 76, 239
York, Duke of, 332
York, Mount, 78
York Town, 93
Young, Sir George, proposes settlements in N.S.W., 41
Young, Sir John, 257
Ypres, 350
Yule, Lieutenant, 288
Zeehaen, 24, 25
Ernest Scott, A Short History of Australia, London: Oxford University Press, 6th edition, 1936, pages 383-398
[Editor: Changed “Immigration Restriction Act (1922), 322” to “Immigration Restriction Act (1901), 322”; N.S.W. corps and the Governors” to “N.S.W. Corps and the Governors”. Removed comma after “Landsborough, William, 232” and after “Murray, Lieutenant John, 83, 91, 125”.]
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