[Editor: A poem published in the Camperdown Chronicle, 6 May 1933.]
Anzac Immortelles
Hark the silence — to-day is Anzac Day,
Time but deepens the heart-wounds of the world’s Great War.
But our dear ones who passed beyond the grave with victory,
We mortals see with vision imperfected
The snow-white altar or self sacrifice afar.
Our heroes bravely faced the battle’s vortex,
Unheeding shrapnel, gas, or bayonet thrust
Offering their lives for God, for home and freedom
They wear undying Immortalles amidst the righteous and just.
M. Robinson.
Cressy road, Camperdown.
Camperdown Chronicle (Camperdown, Vic.), 6 May 1933, p. 8
Editor’s notes:
immortelle = (French) the feminine of “immortel” (immortal); may also refer to a plant that retains its colour when dried (known as an everlasting flower), particularly of the family Asteraceae
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