[Editor: This poem by Marie E. J. Pitt was published in The Horses of the Hills and Other Verses (1911).]
The earth is cursed! Grey sky and sullen sea
And bitter wind — like a half-stifled groan
From some blind gulf of outer darkness blown,
Where legioned wrong moaneth her broken plea
Because of Faith that trusts unceasingly
Thro’ unavailing ages. Where is God?
Hath He forgot? Or drowsy doth He nod
On lonely hilltops of Infinity?
Silent! all silent! To your tasks, ye boors
And human clods that grovel in the dust,
And serve Oppression for her bitter bread!
Blind, bloodless worms with senses dull as lead!
Spawn of Starvation and the Spoiler’s lust,
The earth is cursed! — and only Greed endures!
Marie E. J. Pitt, The Horses of the Hills and Other Verses, Melbourne: Specialty Press, 1911, page 76
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